Student Visa to Working Holiday Visa

Hi Everyone!
I have a very simple question but somehow it’s difficult for me to find an answer on internet..

I live in Tokyo and am on a **Student Visa** and go to language school. Unfortunatly,i feel like i’m losing my time there(the school) and i would like to go on a **working holiday visa** now, for traveling/exploring Japan and also working (part-time). Meanwhile, i acquired basic Japanese and i’m ok with that, I don’t wanna reach N1-N2. My current Student Visa is good until June 2024.

I am french and 29yo, so i know i am elligible for working holiday. **BUT**, it seems so complicated to change visa for some reasons? I would need to go out of Japan, go to France and do the visa at the Japanese Embassy in France? Doing that would recquire a lot of money that I can’t really afford right now (Prices of plane ticket are crazy atm).

So, does any of you did that kind of Visa change in the past? Was it easy or not? What was the procedure for you?

Thank you very much! 🙂 I’m very lost right now :’-).

  1. It’s only possible in your home country, annoying but thats how its set up. You could attempt to talk to the embassy in france to talk about it but that’s the rule

  2. WHV would be impossible without going back to your country, but it’s possible for normal working visa.

    Though you would need to be hired and the company willing to sponsor you the changing visa process.

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