Amity/AEON Housing

Currently living in Japan. Thinking about applying to Amity & AEON English Conversation schools, but I read that they have company-provided apartments. Does anyone know if it’s a requirement to live in whatever they have?
Please share your experience, thanks!

  1. Some places don’t care and frankly they’re glad to be rid of the headache.

    Others get a cut of your rent, so they care very much if they’re losing income.

  2. You have to keep the apartment and pay your share of the rent whether you live in it or not, at least that’s what I had to do back when I worked for AEON. It was a crappy arrangement because I was living in my husband’s house in a nearby city and I ended up having to pay taxes in both because my husband’s house was my official residence but AEON had me listed as the resident of the apartment.

  3. I’m not sure about in the past, but AEON doesn’t care now. If you’re already living here and can commute to the school they place you in you should be fine. I recently moved into my own place and they are not making me pay for the old Leopalace. They cover my commuting fees as well.
    I did have to sign some red tape saying that AEON will not assist me in anyway with my new apartment (rent, insurance, guarantor, etc) but that was all.

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