Spider in fridge

I have found a big spider in my fridge.
It is a common spider o dangerous one?
First time in 10 years in Japan.
I uploded picture in the next comment

  1. It looks like a small huntsman? Shoo your new spidybro out and he will bugs for you.

  2. It was probably bagged with those veggies and you just didn’t notice it when you bought it. That’s happened to us before, only the vegetable was hakusai.

  3. It seems like it was part of the produce if it is the first time you encounter such a specimen.

  4. Huntsmen spider. They look scary but are harmless. If anything they help us by eating cockroaches.

  5. Huntsman. We’ve been living with one for a few weeks now – we let him roam around hoping he doesn’t get squished by the roomba. He’ll slowly get bigger, and bigger, until he’s a cockroach eating monster.

    When I first came to Japan I used to live in a JET provided hovel in the middle of nowhere, and it was also the home of numerous other creatures: centipedes, spiders, geji, geckos, mosquitos, and cockroaches – lots of cockroaches. The cockroaches I hated most, but the huntsmen also freaked me out. In my home country anything larger than a fly has essentially been exterminated by humans centuries earlier. To my eternal shame, I used to unleash entire cans of bug spray on huntsmen to rid myself of them. I was an idiot.

    This all changed when I came home one night and switched the light on in my hovel and a cockroach came flying (yes flying) out of the darkness and landed on my chest. I screamed in terror, and brushed it off into the floor. It came at me again, this roach of nightmares, trying to devour me, or at least drive me from my own home. It almost won too, I backed away and was ready to sleep in my car. But, then, out of nowhere, a huntsman came like a flash of lightning – like a knight on a white steed – from under the fridge. It grabbed the cockroach and ran off with it back from whence it came. That cockroach scum was no more.

    I came to a truce with that huntsman and let it live inside the genkan for the back door that was in the corner of my kitchen. I left it alone and it left me alone as they’re usually still for most of the day. It grew huge on the presumably horde of cockroaches that would invade my hovel at night. It shed numerous skins and grew old, and huge. It got so large, I reckon it could have taken a mouse – and maybe it did, because my hovel also had mice. We became good friends that spider and I.

    Cherish your huntsman, and let him roam free over the rolling plains of your home. Doing what a huntsman does best: hunting.

  6. That’s why I have a small Daiso bug net in my house. I don’t like spiders, I don’t want to kill them, so I use a net and throw them outside.

  7. Better huntsman than a roach. He’s a friend. Just shoo him out so he doesn’t freeze.

  8. I found one in my balcony, the balcony is his now. I can dry my clothes indoors using the drier anyway 😁

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