Are good grades BIG deal?

Hi! I just want to ask current and past JETs.
Based on your experience and from the people you know who qualified for the program,
do you think JET considers the grades and will place high value to those who got really good grades?

Thank you for your answers.

  1. Nope. I went through a period in my college life where I struggled with my motivation almost dropped out, and got shitty grades. I was all prepared to talk about it at the interview, but they didn’t even ask.

    Other employers since then have though.

  2. No. I honestly think the only thing they care about is that you graduated, because otherwise you don’t qualify.

  3. I graduated with a 2.0. Currently doing JET now. So I’d say grades don’t matter much.

    Edit: Granted, I had teaching experience but even still.

  4. They don’t care.

    A good attitude and willingness to just roll with stressful situations are the most important things.

  5. I completely flunked an entire year of uni which i had to redo, and still barely scrapped a pass on the redo, but I got accepted onto JET.As long as you graduate with a Bachelor’s degree, the actual grades don’t really seem to matter.

  6. They asked me about a D+ I had in a Japanese language class one semester, but when I explained I’d been in an abusive relationship that year and my grades had suffered, they dropped it lol
    So grades might matter a tiny bit depending on the interviewer, but probably only the ones directly related to the job.

  7. Grades have nothing to do with the application. The only thing they want from you is a four-year degree from an accredited institution. (The most they ask for is transcripts, which are private anyways. I.e. no interviewee will know your grades. They only have SOP and general information on you.)

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