Have you used www.KusuriExpress.com before?

Hey folks,

I had this website bookmarked from an old post in here about finding medicine, especially on the mental health side.

This website seems to source these from abroad and sends them to you directly, no prescription required. It sounds quite shady but maybe someone has tried this before and can tell whether it’s a proper service?

I am a bit worried that it’s a) a scam and I’ll lose my money or b) they send fake products. On the other hand, not having to find an English-speaking mental health doctor prescribing such medicine in Japan would be a big plus.


  1. Mental health meds are regulated here, I’d be careful ordering them without a prescription

  2. It’s one of the websites listed in this project (2019): 国際流通する偽造医薬品等の実態と対策に関する研究, so… the sure thing is that the seller *was* not really following the regulations.




    ~~Oh, and it’s a Singaporean company.~~

    The items were allegedly sourced from Singapore or Taiwan.
    Result from 2015 whois is also very sketch (it’s records are unavailable now, AFAIK).
    URL of someone who did it in 2015: [https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q14150350019](https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q14150350019)

  3. I have thought about using sites like this many times because I have a chronic condition I need overpriced medicine for and doctors are generally useless for (so why bother going!)….but it is clear such sites are really dicey and you may get OK medicine or maybe not. So I haven’t.

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