Earthquake Alert Notification on iPhone

Hello, for this monring’s earthquake at Tokyo, I didn’t receive any notification on my phone (iPhone 13 mini with Rakuten mobile). I have already turned on for Emergency Earthquake Services, changed my region to Japan but I still did not get any alarm while my friends in the same building got alerted. How do I turn it on? Thank you in advance.

  1. Is it an import? On my old imported phone I never got the alert sound but the text on the screen. And if you fumble finger your way out of that pop-up it’s basically gone unless you go deep into your settings, depending on your phone. Mine was Android.

    AFAIK the signal comes through the cell service. So if, for whatever reason, your phone was disconnected from that, you wouldn’t get it. So this “everybody else but I got it” logic is a bit misleading. If you’ve ever been on a full commuter train during an alert, you’ll also see (or hear) that not everybody got it. It’s not a perfect system.

  2. Is it a Japanese phone purchased in Japan? If you aren’t getting notifications I’d be very surprised.

    Is it a SIM card swap? If you were getting notifications I’d be very surprised.

    I’ve never had any problem getting notifications on any of my phones in Japan. I’ve had both iphone and android. Rakuten has to obide by all Japan regulations so it would be surprising if it’s phones never received the notifications. I guarantee that they do.

  3. I’ve had 3 iPhones in Tokyo and I think I’ve only ever received about 20% of the notifications. It’s also not consistent which I get and which my wife gets.

  4. Which region are you in?

    I don’t think Tokyo got the alert. Just Chiba

  5. In Tokyo. Was very relieved by the short and sharp quake that followed the alert. Believe it or not, I was woken two hours earlier by a nightmare with an earthquake and tsunami… Very sleep-deprived right now but happy to be safe! (It’s a weird thing but ever since the 2004 Indonesian tsunami, which was way before I came to Japan, I get quake/tsunami dreams when I’m stressed…)

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