This was with all the sushi & sashimi in HMart, but I’m realizing now it doesn’t say sushi/sashimi. Can I eat it raw?

This was with all the sushi & sashimi in HMart, but I’m realizing now it doesn’t say sushi/sashimi. Can I eat it raw?

  1. Yeah, they wouldn’t have cubed it if it wasn’t suitable for eating raw

  2. Yeah it says, “ingredients for hwe dup bap”, which is basically a korean sushi bowl. You’re good to go!

  3. $25.99 a pound for both salmon and tuna is sushi grade price at specialty grocers, including H Mart.

  4. You’re good! Like the other comments it’s ingredients for “Korean poke” if you can get some of your favorite veggies like romaine lettuce, cucumber, avocado, and shredded nori and mix with this sauce:

    2tbs Gochoojang (Korean chili paste)
    1tsp soy sauce
    1tsp rice vinegar
    1TBS sesame seed
    1tsp sugar
    1tsp sesame oil
    Splash of 7-up to thin it out

    Add more sugar or vinegar to taste. Should be spicy, tangy, sweet.


  5. Yeah it’s meant to be eaten raw. But imo raw tilapia sounds not so great.

  6. Looks good for some homemade poke. Talapia (aka Izumidai). Not a common grocery sushi grade fish but you good

  7. That’s just leftover parts that they decided to sell. Meaning they’ve cut the other sashimi and saku into perfect shapes and they’re left with a bunch of leftover imperfect cuts. Can be eaten raw, in chirashi bowls, can be prepared as ceviche, or made into poke. And if you’re crazy, you can cook it into fried rice. It’s nice that they cubed up leftover parts to sell, because it’s cheaper in a sense.

    EDIT: People are commenting they would not eat raw tilapia. That’s fine, but I’m sure this is farmed tilapia that they received already packaged meant for sushi. There are sushi restaurants that serve tilapia (izumidai)

  8. This looks yummy. Some lime soy sauce green onions and sesame oil sirracha on top of some rice and you’ve got a nice dinner.

  9. Are u still alive? Give us an update. If I don’t hear from u in 8 more hour I’ll assume u got food poison and ur in the er right now

  10. You couldn’t pay me enough money to eat that raw. Grab some Imodium on your way home.

  11. well the worst that could happen is a few days of stomach cramps, a few days on the toilet, and intestinal parasites… but that’s the WORST that could happen.

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