Guarantor back out

Can an apartment guarantor back out mid-contract?

  1. I’m not well versed in Japanese law but in the UK law the guarantor can’t back out during the duration mentioned in the signed contract. They can back out when renewal time comes by a written declaration but they’d need to do it proactively. If not, it’s assumed that the guarantee is still in place.

    If the law is the same in Japan too, even if your guarantor rescinds their guarantee it’s still valid until contract renewal. Try to find a new guarantor until your lease renewal, contact the company or person you’re renting from and let them know of the impending change of guarantor. They’ll send you some paperwork when contract renewal time comes, you and your new guarantor will sign it and maybe pay a bit of a fee and you’ll all go your merry ways.

    Edit: Hold on. What do you mean by mid contract? Is the contract signed and sealed by all parties and they want to back out after it was finalised or is it a contract that is still in discussion with no signed agreements?

  2. This actually happened to me. My boss agreed to be my guarantor for my apartment, and signed the initial paper, but balked when the real estate company asked him for more details, such as copies of his DV, etc. So he backed out, I had to cancel the contract and was left paying nearly ¥100,000 in fees for an apartment I never lived in. Burned!

  3. It may differs depending on the *fudousan* company, but it was possible in my case. My university was my guarantor at first, but when I graduated and stayed for job hunting I asked the boss at my *baito* to take my university’s position as my guarantor.

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