Casio Ex-Word Dataplus 7, my new gadget. Bought used for $25 shipped. Work well.

Casio Ex-Word Dataplus 7, my new gadget. Bought used for $25 shipped. Work well.

  1. I don’t understand the place such devices have in 2020 when stacked against a smartphone and appropriate app, but looks fun to play with.

  2. For those of you who are wondering what this thing is, it’s an electronic dictionary with not just JE EJ dictionaries but also JJ, EE, kanji, Japanese thesaurus, plus other extra functions. You can also enter kanji using the touchpad if you don’t know how to type it out. We have smartphone apps nowadays, but it’s still pretty cool.

  3. I have one too, but it’s monochrome. It was a surprise when I found out the bigger screen is also touch sensitive.

  4. I got one of these from a speech contest, sadly to say I almost never used it. They’re cool to have tho

  5. I remember wanting one of these as a teenager before smartphones were widely available. I would see them our local Japanese store, but they were around $300.

  6. My girlfriend offered me hers but come on, my Android device with Tokoboto dictionary is matchless.

  7. I use EBDic app with EPWING dictionary files. EBDic is loaded with features and after downloading EPWING files, you can use the dictionaries you want leaving the ones you don’t require. As an alternative on PC, I use Qolibri and GoldenDict softwares.

    These dictionary devices are good if you just want to have one, but you don’t really need them if you know how to get those files and a good app do it all. And, these devices cost a lot if you buy a new one. Still a good dictionary toy to fiddle around but laptops and mobile devices are better, because they are faster, good resolution, many features and the best – you can share, copy and paste word definions directly into any program or notes or make an anki card out of it. Clipboard copy feature to directly look up a word, forget rikaichan or yomichan. Or better, you can import that EPWING into yomichan if you love reading a lot online.

    But, the trade off – EPWING files also cost money, but you can find them on internet for free if you know how and where to look. Cheers!

  8. For everyone who thinks they should just use a smartphone….
    These are also used by Japanese students studying English, do you think they can just whip out their phones in class to use a dictionary? No. Same goes for any other students who can’t use phones in class. These things are great.

  9. I just bought one thinking I could change the interface language so I could do english—>japanese translation. i turned it on and everything is in japanese and i understand very little of it. does anyone know how to change the interface language?

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