Chiba Earthquake 5/11, 4:16 AM

Everyone OK?

  1. Scared the hell out of me but im ok. I dont like when the ground turns into an alarm clock

  2. Yeah. I live far. But the shakes made me turn off my PC and go sleep finally.

  3. First time hearing the alert on my phone. The robot voice hella freaked me out… I thought for a moment there was *something* out to get me. Ah no. Just a long ish quake. (Ikebukuro) the japanese man in my bed didn’t even stir. I probably would’ve slept through it if not for the alert.

  4. Sagamihara here. So strange, I woke up suddenly for no reason and then boom, shake shake shake. Felt very big from the 8th floor for me.

  5. Supposedly only shindo 1 where I live in western Tokyo, but shook me awake and was a long one.

  6. Thanks I hate it!

    Leapt out of bed at the first phone alarm to hold down the lid on my fish tank. Pretty tame for what I was expecting, though

  7. Alarm was 10 times worse than the actual quake for me. (In Nerima)

    Might have slept through the quake otherwise lmao

  8. Kawasaki ku got the alarm a good 4 seconds before the shaking. Good morning everyone. Back to sleep time.

  9. In itabashi. Just came to japan a month ago, the alarm freaked me the hell out, was having a nightmare as well. Living in the 9 floor things shook a bit but all good!

    This alarm sound though straight from an horror movie

  10. In Itabashi, trying to let me heart recover from the alarm blasting in my face waking me up lol. This is only the second time I’ve received an alarm on my phone (first one over a year ago) despite other quakes happening, I don’t understand it.

    Also had my window open and had the neighborhood speaker and alarm blaring nearby too.

    The quake itself felt like just one quick strong-ish burst but was over quickly. Gah.

  11. Been living here for a month now, the first proper earthquake I’ve felt and it shook me awake!

  12. Shinjuku here. I woke up from my phone and then noticed it. But everything ok for me.

  13. Adachi, barely felt a whisper here, but the alert woke us and the baby up, god damn it.

  14. Living very close to china and that earthquake was nothing to write home about

  15. Setagaya, was decent but fine and nothing fell. I’ll be darned if i’m not totally awake now though.

  16. It’s been a while since we’ve had one big enough to wake me. No phone alarm for me though.

  17. Shinjuku. Was pretty scary but tame compared to the alarm. One cat was also terrified, the other was excited everybody was up came for a play.

  18. I was half-asleep watching the MLB game online and the shaking woke me up 100%.

  19. Can’t get back to sleep fml. I had 2 more hours until I needed to be up. Guess it’s early breakfast time. Hope everyone’s fine.

  20. Chiba here, was a bit scary (the alarm was even scarier), but all fine. Couldn’t get back to sleeping tho.

  21. Jeez, my parents just arrived in Tokyo last night to visit me for their first time in the country… Thanks for the warm welcome, Japan.

  22. ALARM TOO FUCKING LOUD (Shinjuku). Woke me up for the champions league game tho

  23. Couldn’t feel the earthquake because I was busy panicking and hyperventilating (thanks to the alarm). I would’ve kept sleeping if not for the purge-like siren.

  24. What does the alarm sound like? Is it the EAS alarm you can find on YouTube?

  25. Felt it over here in Yokosuka. Woke up and my heart was racing. Then rolled over and went back to bed

  26. Machida here: Woke me up and annoyed me. No alarms at all. I never get alarms though, guess I’ll die. 🤷

  27. What exactly does the woman on the (English) alert say? I’m trying to explain it to someone but now I can’t remember her exact wording. It’s my first time getting the alert and now I understand why people say it’s scarier than the earthquake.

  28. I close to the center of it. Only suffered from a small heart attack because I was dead asleep and was woken up to the sound of straight horror movie sounds. Pulled straight outta my dream and thought I was about to be murdered. Upgraded my phone so the speaker was extremely loud as well. Albeit short, my room was shaking pretty violently. Now I’m ready to crush the day ahead at work on 3 hours of sleep 🙁

  29. The alarm might be a lil bit annoying but I think it’s necessary. Imagine if there’s a strong earthquake in the midnight but you are still sleeping deeply, it could be rly dangerous.

  30. Scared my cat, he ran over my face then sat on my chest until it was done. Other than that it was nothing too worrisome

  31. That alarm was terrifying. It caused so much panic and spiked my adrenaline, I couldn’t go back to sleep after, even though the trembling stopped quickly (Minato-ku)

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