Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 22, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Fans of anime and manga know that 「あらあら」is commonly used by onee-san and mother types. How common exactly is「あらあら」in actual, real life, Japanese speech? I’m not asking if onee-sans and mothers really say「あらあら」, merely if real life Japanese people really do say 「あらあら」often or if it’s actually relatively rare.

  2. Could anyone help me better understand the difference between どころではない and てはいられない。I understand they both have uses of not being able to have the capacity to proceed with the action/activity in question – or am I wrong in thinking that?



  3. Could I get some good example sentences illustrating the primary meaning of 勘付く?

  4. im trying to ask my japanese friend if they prefer being called kun or san, but Im not sure how to ask. My first guess is くんそれてもさん、どうちですか?

  5. How does 〜ものね・ものな・もんね・もんな differ from んだ(ね) んです(ね)in situations where both are applicable?

  6. 「まあ、子供**らしいっちゃらしい**からいいんだけどさ」


    Confused about らしいっちゃらしい

  7. I’ve read that ている in 関西弁 is とる like 待っとる, 食べとる but I came across this sentence 「何をアホなこと言うとるんよ、 それより、 これ!!」 where it is 言うとる not 言っとる as I would expect.
    From what I could find both can be used, but I couldn’t find what the difference is. Is it just a preference? And is 言う the only exception?

  8. I’m having trouble understanding how to use 訳
    How do you use it in a sentence and when would you use it over other ways of expressing the same idea?

  9. > まき もど・す [4]【巻(き)戻す】(動サ五)
    > 元の巻かれていた状態に巻いてもどす。まきかえす。「テープを―・す」

    I have trouble understanding the definition for 巻き戻す. I don’t get what 元の巻かれていた状態 means. “Initial winded up state”? And what 巻いてもどす means?

  10. With na-verbs and adjectives, my Anki cards actually pronounce the sound “na” at the end of the each word. So, 静かな instead of 静か. Is that correct? The な is also in parenthesis, so I am confused as to its relation with the rest of the word. Is it helpful to learn this word as “shizukana” instead of “shizuka”? Is the latter not even a word? Are the two different words?

  11. 結婚しているのに、浮気するなんてあり得ないよ。

    What does this sentence mean and what のに is this?

  12. [https://imgur.com/a/gCcESTA](https://imgur.com/a/gCcESTA)

    I started Torii SRS a week ago, doing the 10k, loving it so far, Except I’ve gotten about 74 words into the 10k and it’s stopped suggesting new words. At first, I thought it just wanted me to get all Rookie words to Amateur before suggesting any new words, but now it still isn’t suggesting anything.

    Any advice?

  13. 「難しいし長い物理学の質問に厳しい条件があるから、高いスコアのためにできるだけ書いてください。」
    Intended meaning: “Physics questions that are long and difficult have more strict requirements, so in order to get a high score try to write as much as you can.”
    This is a sentence I wrote and I am not exactly confident on the grammar (“難しいし長い”,”できるだけ書いて”) and the words used (長い,スコア,ために), so I would like to have some corrections or feedback.

  14. Hello, are there anki decks that compiles everything about food/cooking?

    so from things like cutting, grilling, frying, to ingredients and actual meals?

  15. Anyone else who has watched Terrace House on Netflix, would you consider it a good medium to hear how natural Japanese speakers have conversations, dates, live together, etc.

    I’m American and reality TV shows like Kardashians for example are so overproduced that I wouldn’t even recommend people to watch American reality TV if they are learning english. Is it the same for Terrace House, or is it relatively authentic and not over-produced?

  16. Hello, what is the difference between 大したもんじゃない and 大したことはない? Is もん just emotional emphasis while こと just a flat statement?

  17. Just starting out on Genki 1 lesson 3. I’ve heard that this is the hardest most annoying lesson so on a scale of 1/10 how screwed am I? Or is it not as bad as they say?

  18. Does anybody else have a hard time reading japanese sentences and figuring out where words begin and end, and if not do you have any suggestions on overcoming it?

  19. Can I use それ for that when it’s not talking about a location? For instance the sentence “tiny little things THAT remind me of you”. Can the that highlighted be translated to それ?

  20. 言ってることが雑然とし過ぎて、全然分からないぞ

    Hello, can anyone help me with the usage and meaning of とし here? How do I also use this とし in other sentences?

  21. Is there a pitch accent difference between したい (want to do) and 死体 (corpse)? I just realized I may have been saying corpse my whole life.

  22. Hello! Art related question: is there a Japanese term for “lineart”? I usually name my layers as “lineart, color etc” so how would I name a lineart layer in Japanese? Please and thank you.

  23. In the book Shogun, two characters have this exchange:


    Mariko: “The Chinese are very clever. We [the Japanese] borrowed their writing a thousands years ago. Look, take this character, or symbol, for a pig.” (Mariko draws 豕)

    Blackthorne: “It doesn’t look like a pig.”

    “Once it did. Let me show you. Here. Add a ‘roof’ symbol over a ‘pig’ symbol and what do you have?”

    “A pig and a roof.”

    “But what does that mean? The new character?”

    “I don’t know.”

    “‘Home.’ In the olden days the Chinese thought a pig under a roof was home. They’re not Buddhists, they’re meat eaters, so a pig to them, to peasants, represented wealth, hence a good home. A ‘roof’ with two ‘pigs’ under it means ‘contentment.’ A ‘roof’ with two ‘women’ under it equals ‘discord.’ Neh?”



    Perhaps I’m not looking hard enough or perhaps I am searching for the wrong kanji, but I would not describe what I have found (the kanji for ‘contentment’ and the kanji for ‘discord’ as being what has been described here). Does anyone know what Mariko is describing in her final quote (a kanji which is a roof with two women underneath it and a kanji which is a roof with two pigs underneath it)?

  24. in the manga Vento Aureo, the protagonist’s surname is spelled in katakana as ジョバァーナ. why is it not just ジョバーナ?

  25. To me, 給う and 給ふ sound like they are pronounced the same on forvo. Am I wrong, or are they both pronounced たまう despite the ふ?

  26. hello! I’m currently working on kanji and attempting to learn their pronunciations via context. I’m currently working with 一 and in the sentence used to describe it’s いっ pronunciation, and the sentence I found has an oddity I want to ask about. In the sentence「一緒に食べにいきませんか。」I was wondering why 「いきませんか」didn’t use the kanji for the verb to go 行く (like 行きませんか) and instead left it has hiragana? are there cases where you don’t use a verbs kanji, and if so, are there any patterns for it? I may be reading into it too much since I am pulling from an online dictionary, but figured better safe than sorry 😅

  27. I swear I’ve heard なしそう before but I’m having a hard time finding an example online.

    Would 今日の授業は無しそうですね make sense if the teacher isnt coming so you make an observation that there is no class?

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