Japan: Public reluctant to defend Taiwan should China invade

Japan: Public reluctant to defend Taiwan should China invade


  1. It’s almost like the ‘self-defense’ in the Japan Self-Defense Forces is only meant for Japan.

  2. Problem is, knowing how “ambitious” china is, Japan might be in great danger if china succeed with invasion. It’s naive to think otherwise.

  3. Because they will definitely be satisfied with the little snack that is Taiwan

  4. The longer I live in Japan the more I realize this country is moving towards cowardly thinking.

    For most of life it’s not totally a bad thing. People don’t do brazen stupid stuff which is good. But if China tried to invade Japan I expect Japan would just bend over immediately if America didn’t save them.

    Taiwan would be first but who knows 10-20 years after that if nobody can stop them.

    Just in general Japanese seem more afraid of everything now. Afraid of random people who aren’t even doing anything “he had a beard” afraid of traveling abroad, afraid to drive their own car by themselves without a mask, afraid of swimming, less young people doing risky thinks like motorcycles or skydiving.

    I love living here, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, but it’s something I worry about.

  5. I mean if you ask the most random person here in germany, they wouldnt want to risks their lifes for another country (france, denmark, poland), too. People are always afraid of their own lifes first and the others second. Most wouldnt even fight for germany.
    I dont think these things matter. People hope nothing happens. They dont want war and try to block these thoughts out of their minds.

    I dont judge anyone in japan for this. Everybody would be, kind of, the same.
    Its the decision of the government and its important they side with taiwan. Just like the philippines need to side with taiwan

  6. I hate to break the news but if Taiwan is invaded Japan essentially becomes a step closer to being a vassal state of the CCP because of how the ocean currents work around Taiwan. It’s super important to let Taiwan continue to be controlled by the Taiwanese.

  7. With coming war with China – Japan will be new Ukraine with NATO using it as a shield

  8. I feel like everyone is vastly underestimating Taiwan. Not saying they’d win outright, but Taiwan has some pretty good military capabilities to inflicting serious harm on China

  9. Japan doesn’t even recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation, nor does the UN.

    It’s hard enough to justify people laying down their lives for immediate threat to their own freedom. They’re not gonna do it for this.

    A lot of armchair warriors on here.

  10. China has a land dispute with every country around them. Japan either fights a battle in Taiwan or they fight a battle on their own lands alone when china challenges them in the future. If the countries in asia are unwilling to stand against Chinese aggression together they will be picked off one by one

  11. Fair enough, but don’t be surprised if after the nationalist orgasm of taking Taiwan ends, the next thing that will be used to rile up the population is revenge on Japan.

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