Earthquake Alarm

Is there a way to unsubscribe from this alarm, or cancel it through my phone company or government ?

It WILL kill me, I am not joking. I woke up in a total panic state and that alarm made my heart go bazooka in my chest, I’m surprised I didn’t die right there.

I just can’t have that a second time, I ***HAVE*** to get rid of this nightmarish alarm !!

  1. This alarm could save your life, if you’re in a tsunami’s path.

  2. Honestly, there’s really nothing you can do to save your life that the warning gives you enough time for. I know, I know, tsunami warning; however: don’t buy/rent in a tsunami zone, so you don’t have to worry about it sleeping; if you’re awake, you’ll have noticed the quake!

    I’ve been in the shower in a quake. I’ve been naked in bed after with a GF in a quake. Not enough time to put on clothing and run into the street exactly. Nor even naked.

  3. None of us like it but we realize it could be the difference between us dead or alive. Maybe you’re in the wrong country?

  4. If its android It should be one of the settings in the phone mine has been turned off for years.

  5. I always sleep with airplane, dnd and silent mode on.
    The world can burn all I care.

  6. I have no idea why these kind Japanese using such a vulgar alarm ! Once I remember the alarm went off middle of night for earthquake and the quake actually didn’t occur. Wtf !

  7. if you can’t find a setting to turn this off, just leave your phone in a different room while you sleep and find another type of alarm (I recommend cats)

  8. Why was the guy getting downvoted? When I hear that alarm I also almost have a heart attack. I’m not against an alarm at all but that noise is so loud and kind of scarry to hear. I’d rather have a more peaceful sound.

    Pretty sure you can turn it off in settings. I did before….. However my wife’s phone still went off last night so makes no difference for sleeping.

  9. The alarm triggers your fight or flight response. It’s scary, yes, but it’s necessary. I think lots of people are used to it and aren’t as sensitive. I suffer from panic attacks myself, and they can happen at any time, but I learn how to deal with it. Deep breathing and remembering that it will pass.

    It’s not a heart attack, it’s just a bit of panic. I don’t have advice on how to turn it off, but just remember to breathe. As long as your heart rate isn’t going beyond 120bpm you’ll be okay.

  10. I feel ya — me forgetting to put my phone into airplane mode on Monday flying back to Japan from the US and getting a 5-fire alarm Amber Alert at 10,000 meters. That will wake you up.

    I hope they found the kid, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t on my plane.

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