What’s the deal with Japan and pouches?

Serious question. I see pouches being used for a lot of products you just don’t expect in other countries.

Have Japanese consumers indicated a particular liking toward pouches for vitamins that have fractions of the active ingredient compared to gaikoku? Or are manufacturers pushing this? I find them to be time consuming to open and close properly, and overall just a bit clumsy.

SDGs? Nah…

  1. Ease of disposal would be my guess. There are products I buy because the pouches are easy to throw away. Hell if I’m gonna be handwashing tins or keeping moenai containers in a box until collection day.

  2. easy to store and throw. no need for pill bottles. cut the lid not equal so your finger can easily pry the edges.

  3. Not sure why bottles would be more SDGs though, unless you can take your bottle to the pharmacy and have them refill it.

  4. It can be convenient when you have only a few left. With a bottle you have to keep using the same amount of space regardless of how many pills are in the bottle.

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