Anyone know what to do if all the space on your “My number“ card is filled?

For the address, I will have to move in a months time, and I just used up the last bit of space

  1. I had this after a turbulent couple years with 4 moves. You will need to get the card reissued.

  2. You (and we) don’t need to know what to do in that situation. The _city office_ needs to know what to do, and given that you’re not the first person they’ve helped who has moved a lot, they probably already know what to do. 🙂

  3. As there are only 4 lines, You have to get a new card for every 5th update.

    It’s a bit of a ball ache as it’s then requires an additional trip to pick up the new card, so it’s especially unfair for people who get stuck on 1 year visas.

    But at least the municipality office won’t bill you ¥1,000 for a new card, like they would if you were getting a new card because you lost the card, or did not update the card within the required 2 weeks time frame

  4. Just use some tipp-ex to white out a line and you’ll be good again.

  5. Uhh…. Pretty sure they will either have to fix you up with a new card, or wipe over your current one with some kind of concealer then rewrite the address.

    Either way, your only concern is to take it to the city office and let them handle it.

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