Does anyone here wake up in the middle of the night to video call family and friends at home?

I’m from the UK and currently when I finish work, everyone at home is starting their shift. When I’m on my lunch break, everyone is asleep.

Does anyone have any tips for doing all nighters or waking up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours? If there’s anyone who does this already, do you feel it affects your health?

  1. I’m from the UK, too. Just wondering why you’d want to do this? Is there not a day of the week where neither you nor the people you want to call are working? Easier to deal with the 8 or 9 hour difference then.

  2. My mom wants to talk to her grandchildren, she lives in CET so she just calls 10-11AM her time on Saturdays. 5PM-ish our time. Perfectly reasonable.

  3. At the moment lunch time UK works out to be 8pm JST. So I catch my family at this time during the week for quick chats if they’re available on their lunch breaks, and longer video calls on the weekend. I don’t see the need to be waking up in the middle of the night.

  4. We just figure out what time is mutually most convenient. My family is on the east coast of the US, so best is usually Sunday night here (I’m generally at home watching the afternoon EPL games), which is Sunday morning at home just as my parents wake up.

  5. My family uses an app called Marco Polo. It’s video chatting, but not live, so each person can watch and record the videos on their own schedule. Not quite the same as a regular video call, but works well for us since we’re all in different time zones.

  6. In the past, I would often use [this website]( to figure out the best time(s) to coordinate calls between various team members stationed in different areas around the world.

    At a very quick glance, 16pm-18pm Japan time would effectively be 8am-10am in London on the same day, which should be a reasonable time to call with family on a weekend.

    8pm-10pm Japan time, would be 12pm-14pm in London, or about close to lunchtime in the UK, which could possibly work well to call with friends.

  7. All my friends “work” from home so they just zoom call me when they “start” work and I’ve just arrived home from work. Family get one shot on Sunday evenings or a quick WhatsApp call during their lunch break.

  8. I use a video messaging app called Marco Polo. You send video messages back and forth, and the free version is great. I keep in touch with my friend in London and my family in the states using it.

  9. Just wanted up little bit early? I wake up at 4 am to watch Eurovision which held in Liverpool

  10. call? Since the messagers came up I never call and taught them to do the same ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

  11. I don’t do that. I need my sleep.

    Weekends. Saturday and Sunday evenings are fine once in a while.

    There’s only so much you can do. There’s a significant time difference between you and them. You’re not the only one who has to compromise.

  12. To make a complicated story more simple
    My husband currently lives in Texas and I live in Japan so I always wake up in the middle of the night anyways to just send him a message here and there. But we always do a video call on the weekends.

    Family and friends I will message day to day depending on what’s going on. I will call my parents (13hr difference) when I’m on my way to work and it works out. But that’s it. Weekends are strictly for calls unless you’re my immediate family and husband. I’ll message only my husband at all hours of the day

  13. I stay up late but my office starts a bit late, so it makes up for that.

  14. I don’t, because the walls in my apartment are thin and it upsets the neighbours.

  15. My parents are retired, so I can call them (in the UK) basically any time.

    I never call my friends- we’re all on a group WhatsApp together. So I keep up with them on that. Anyone not on there, I just text.

  16. 13 hours ahead of NY. When I am here for business, I leave family behind. So I call them at 9pm here and my kids are just getting ready for school. Then they call before bedtime and its 9am here lol. They think I am ‘in the future’ when I travel overseas.

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