のように、のようなexplanation needed.

Can someone explain me when to use one and the other because to me after reading about them in Genki it just sounds like both do the same exact thing and I keep using the wrong one in the exercise.

  1. のような can only be followed by a noun
    >これはお茶のような**味**だ – This tastes like tea.

    のように can be followed by verbs, adverbs and adjectives

    >いぬのように**働いている**。 – I’m working like a dog.

    >この先生は鬼のように**怖い**。- Lit.: This teacher is scary like a demon.

  2. Remember how に turns な adjectives into adverbs? That’s what’s going on here.

  3. な turns it into an adjective, に turns it into an adverb. Adjectives modify nouns; adverbs modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs.

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