
I’m having a hard time comprehending what this means. From what I understand 気づかれて is a てform conjugation of 気づく, but what’s the deal with かれ? I’m guessing the translation for the whole sentence is “If you completely notice” but again, what’s with かれ?

  1. てしまう doesn’t always mean “completely”, it’s more commonly used for “accidentally” or “with negative result”

    ペンを落とした=dropped the pen

    ペンを落としてしまった=went and dropped the pen (again, darn)

    気づく –> 気づかれる = passive “was noticed”

    thus the sum total is “if (i/you/someone) ends up getting noticed…”

  2. I’m a japanese native speaker


    it means passive

    気づく is realize

    気づかれる i s being realized

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