Packing List for Black People Moving to Japan

Hi Everyone! I am a black man in my early-mid twenties and moving to Japan for a year. I have been researching packing lists specifically for black people online and haven’t come across anything in great detail. I’m hoping this thread can be a resource for others staying in Japan for an extended period of time who need essential packing recommendations. I’ve watched YouTube videos and found some essentials to pack, but I would love to get your thoughts. Let’s all help each other make for an easier transition!

  1. Hair and skin products might be hard to find. In the end though you’ll always have access to online shopping

  2. Deodorant , sunscreen (many brands in jp leave white cast), skincare products (jp products could cause whitening ) and hair care tools and products. Maybe even shampoo because my hair doesn’t like any that I’ve tried in Japan

  3. gotta get it online bro maybe if you are super lucky you might live near a store that carries some but black people are like less than 0.5% the population so will be hard. anything you bring wont last so might as well just import it here once you settle.

  4. You’re a man, but the title says Black People, so I’ll include a suggestion mosty for women – skin-colored underwear, especially bras. Brands in the US can carry a range of colors, but in Japan the default color is light.

  5. They don’t know how to cut curly hair. I recommend getting your hair cut before coming and having someone take a lot of pictures /video so you can show visuals when you are here.

  6. I tell everyone this, but stock up on medicines. Ibuprofen is super weak and often requires a prescription. Peptobismol, alkaselzer, nyquil. All great to have an impossible to find.

  7. I’m not black but coming from America — they don’t sell stick deodorant here… I ordered a big pack on Amazon. So bring a few sticks of your preferred deodorant if you use stick

  8. recommend bringing lots of jack daniels and cigarettes.. doesnt taste the same here.

  9. Deodorants would be the biggest thing I could recommend (I’m moving to Japan soon) but even here in Korea the standard roll ons are stupidly expensive. Personal grooming especially hair etc like others have said take pictures and videos of how your hair is groomed. I wish you all the best in your move and welcome!

  10. if you wear makeup: foundation, concealer, and powder. most drug store options come in 2-4 (light) shades at most, and even high end brands often are limited in what they offer here

    deodorant is available in multiple options – liquid, stick, roll on, wipes, powder… but there are very few antiperspirants

    american-size doses of medicine, especially painkillers. i get a costco size ibuprofen and lactaid every time i go to US.

    skin colored undergarments

  11. There’s a tiktokker @thepaperpat
    He’s currently living in Japan as a teacher. He may be able to help if you message him on any platform

  12. Asking honestly and respectfully – Why is being black important in the context of moving to Japan? Isn’t that like saying “I have long teeth, what should I bring?” I understand that you might be nervous because there aren’t as many black people as perhaps white people in Japan but the question what should I pack puzzles me. Bring what you’d bring if you were going to Australia, Germany, Guatemala- ie research the climate and pack accordingly. If you have any unusual requirements, write them down and shop for them before you leave and or check whether they’re available on Amazon so that you can buy them when you’re in Japan. As I said, I’m writing subjectively and not as any type of insult.

  13. Always doing the most. This why I say I’m Ghanaian and not “black” because of stupidity like this.

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