Sudden Unusual High Hot water Bill after only spending half the month in Apartment

So I have been living in the same apartment for 2 and half year and all is well with the bill where my hot water bill (using gas) and water bill is paid to the management of the building every month. I usually paid around 4000 per month for the hot water bill and the highest I’ve paid is around 7-8k in the winter last year I think. Today’s bill just came out and suddenly the hot water bill is amount to 16k yen which is freaking unusual.

Adding to that, I just returned last week from being abroad 2 weeks so technically I only use my apartment for half the time than usual in a month (which is why I expect half the usual amount for hot water bill also, which it more than triple its usual amount). And, before I go abroad, there are one night where the water does not come out at all and the other day where they have notice posted about hot water failure repairment. I was afraid if I forgot to turn off the hot water but I was sure I was extremely careful to check because the last time I go abroad for a month I forgot to turn off the bathroom light. And even if I forgot to turn off the water and it runs for 2 whole weeks, shouldn’t it be more expensive? like WAY more?

Other note, the management of the building changes since February this year (but I paid for March and April with the usual amount) and currently I have no clue who to contact to inquire about this (before they were managed by a well-known company and have 24hr desk?). So does anyone know if I can complain or do something about this? or why does it happen?

  1. Sounds like another case of the utility racketeers preying on the poor gaijin.

    Pay the gaijin tax!

  2. These types of posts happen all the time but why don’t people just contact their utility first. What answer do people expect that’s not “suck it up” or “ask your utility company”

  3. Curious about the correlation between these kinds of questions and people living on their own for the first time

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