ISO Lost podcast


TL;DR Help me find lost podcast called ‘Learn to Speak Japanese’ by Knowledge for All (deleted on spotify)
Basically the podcast called ‘Learn to Speak Japanese’ by Knowledge for All that I adored and had been listening to just wasn’t available anymore on Spotify. I had been searching all over the place, from apple podcast, sound cloud, google, youtube etc. and had even reached out to Spotify customer service but not much information was useful. So, if anyone could help me find where it might be (because I am pretty sure it was exported to Spotify), it will be much appreciated 😀
What I can recall about the podcast: It was available until 2022 January on Spotify, It doesn’t have an icon, It is only named ‘Learn to Speak Japanese’, Each lesson (audio) lasts around 30 minutes, and they keep telling you to replay the previous lessons at the end of the class. The whole podcast has at least 30 lesson (audio) or even 50 I can’t recall vividly. The first few lessons are about talking to the cashier about the weather ‘It’s such a bad weather-いやなお天気ですね‘, ‘I can speak Japanese but I am not good at itー 日本語が少しわかります でもだ上手じゃありません’ was taught in the first few lessons. There are two people hosting, one is an American male, and another is a Japanese female, so the American male will introduce what is happening/ host, and the Japanese female will help to pronounce the Japanese words, in each syllable, for example, konnichiwa, they will read like, kon, and blank for you to speak, koni, and blank for you to speak, konnichi, and blank for you to speak, konnichiwa, and blank for you to speak and repeat, you get what I mean, after their pronunciation they will give you time to repeat what they have said to learn how to speak those phrases. The aim of the podcast (It is not a talkshow, it is more like a textbook reading voice but they are not reading paragraphs, they are interactive) is to teach you how to speak instead of knowing the words.
I have been looking actively since February for this podcast/ anywhere I could find it and would be sosososso grateful if anyone knows of this. I had also been using other resources but this is my go-to and it facilitates my japanese language learning so much better than the alternatives~ A big THANK YOU to you in reading this big chunk of gibberish blabber no matter you can or cannot find the podcast. Keep swimming~

*It is not ‘Learn Japanese Pod’ I have heard of it and it is really similar to the one i mentioned above but there aren’t syllable by syllable pronunciation, time space to practice nor a structure to follow.
*It is also not ‘Learn How to Speak Japanese’ The podcast ISO has a less robotic voice with a female lead.

  1. I couldn’t find anything beyond broken links.

    It sounds like a mixture of Jpod101 and Pimsleur (apologies if I butchered the spelling).

    I have pirated their courses since they are way beyond my purchasing power living in a third world country but if you have the money, I’d definitely suggest going the legal route (obviously)

    Pimsleur has syllable by syllable pronunciation breakdown and Jpod focuses on conversations and translations. They both give you time gaps where you repeat whatever the native speaker says.

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