9 Days between Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto!

Hi all! I’ve made a very last minute decision to go to Japan end of the month for a little solo trip as a reward for a new job!

Minus flight days I will be in Japan for 9 days!

My current plan is to split the time between Tokyo and Osaka and Kyoto. I’ve been to Tokyo twice and have done some of the major tourist things already (Skytree, Shibuya, Akiba ect) but both times were relatively short so I want to take advantage of this solo trip and explore a bit more of the smaller places!

I plan on travelling relatively light and probably will stay in some capsules or hostels and hopefully will make some friends!

Here is what I’ve got so far!

**Day 1**

1. Flight Arrives 4:30 PM
2. Activate JR Rail Pass (7 day)
3. Go to Osaka

**Day 2**

1. Osaka exploration
2. Tsurugyu for Dinner!!

**Day 3**


**Day 4**

Nara Day trip

1. Todai-ji
2. *Deer park*[https://thenavigatio.com/nara-itinerary-one-day-trip/](https://thenavigatio.com/nara-itinerary-one-day-trip/)More Osaka at night

**Day 5**

Kyoto Early Morning(stow bag at locker)

1. *Fushimi Inari Shrine*
2. *Kichi Kichi*
3. Higashiyama Ward

**Day 6**

1. Arishiyama Bamboo Grove
2. *Kinkaku-ji*[https://thenavigatio.com/2-day-kyoto-itinerary/](https://thenavigatio.com/2-day-kyoto-itinerary/)
3. Walk around

**Day 7**

JR to Tokyo

1. *Teamlabs*
2. *Ghibli Museum*
3. *Capyneko*

**Day 8**

1. *Cup Noodle Museum*
2. *Gundam*
3. Muscle Girls

**Day 9**

Disney or more exploring!


Italicized ones are things I REALLY want to keep in. Everything else is negotiable. Day 5 and 6 are interchangeable! I’d like to go to Arishiyama in the morning but if it’s a better idea to leave my luggage at the hotel instead of in the lockers then I’ll switch the days around and go check in first before I do anything. I can always go Arishiyama after Kinkaku-ji if I have time.

Aside from Tsurugyu, Osaka Castle and Namba Station I don’t have much idea for Osaka. Definitely want to indulge in Osaka style okonomiyaki and some street markets.

If there’s any more localized things that aren’t super English friendly that’s okay too. I have basic Japanese conversational and reading skills so language barrier isn’t a huge issues for me (plus google translate hahaha).

I don’t think I will go both Universal AND Disney, but again if I make some friends there I’ll go, otherwise I don’t mind skipping both or just doing one or the other! I do like scary rides but I also enjoy artistic rides so I’d love to hear everyone’s suggestion on what’s a better visit!

I haven’t booked anything yet but will be going to a travel agency locally for my JRPass and will ask them about tickets for some of the museums. If there’s anything I can add in or sub out please leave suggestions!

Thank you!

  1. I think there is a lot more with day 3 & 9 that you can do! Depending on where you want to avoid and go I’d suggest finding a small town near Tokyo/Osaka and visiting there! I went to Gifu and ended up spending an entire day there because of how beautiful it was!

    Best of luck!!!

  2. Make sure you’ve got reservations for Teamlabs, Cup Noodle Museum and the Ghibli museum before committing to them! They might be sold out already

  3. I’ve been to universal and both Disney parks and I’d highly recommend Disney sea above them all!! Universal is great, but I find it to be more congested and crazy than the Disney parks. The wizarding world and Nintendo land are worth seeing for how immersive they are, but every part of Disney sea is that level of immersive, whereas the rest of USJ is just kind of…. A theme park.

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