I’ve been having the most trouble trying to buy something from the Japan Google store today (not Google pay).
In my attempt to purchase a new phone from Google, the only payment options available are Credit Card and PayPal. Trying credit card results in me not being able to use a U.S. address for billing. I have 0 problems with Amazon or some other sites using my card, there has usually been an easily editable option to input my billing address. Then I tried to use PayPal. I no longer have a U.S. phone number, Skype number can’t be used, so that doesn’t seem like a great option. I could ask a family member to send me the code but that’s rather inconvenient with the 13 hour time difference.
I tried to set up a Japan PayPal with a Japan region Google account but I can’t use my foreign credit card for payment there either.
I currently don’t have a Japanese credit card, though I do hope to get one soon.
What the heck do I do?
1 comment
here’s a possible solution:
I’ll just copy my advertisement for d-card prepaid again: https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/13dlt8k/visa_vanilla_gift_cardswhere_do_they_actually_work/jjl29y1/
All of the above plus it does work with PayPal JP (personally verified).