Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (May 13, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I just ran into this sentence:


    I’m confused by this because 合計 is sum,
    but I thought 金額 translates as sum of money.
    So the two words together seems redundant to me.

  2. Was wondering about this おとり:

    > 代金は、そいつで支払ってもらう。さ、おとりよ。これはもう、あんたのものさ。いいかい?

    I know it can be 囮 but I’m not sure if that’s what is going on here.

    Context: Someone is trying to buy some magical candy. The person selling the candy explains that, the buyer’s malice is all the payment she needs. So basically it’s free, as long as that person is willing to behave with ill-intent.

    I think this says, “Payment, you pay with that (the malice). [おとり?]. This is already yours. Good?”

    I can’t figure out in context why she would call him a decoy, I wonder if おとり could be some form of the 取る verb, like some kind of keigo-like thing, but having よ at the end doesn’t fit that either, so IDK.

  3. “あーヒマすぎて寝ちまいそーだ”

    What’s 寝ちまい, specifically the ちまい part? Can’t seem to search up the correct grammar point. Found まい but it doesn’t seem to be this.

  4. Genki I, chapter 10, exercise V-B. “Pair Work — Fill in the blanks and read the dialogue with your partner.” The first one is this:

    > A: ちょっと寒いですね。

    > B: エアコンをつけたから、すぐ_________なりますよ。

    From my understanding this means something like “It’s a little cold, isn’t it?” “Because I turned on the air conditioner, it will become _____ soon.”

    The answer in the back of the book is 暖かく. I’m very confused. It’s cold, so B says they turned on the air conditioner so it’ll warm up soon? What am I missing?

  5. What is the difference between 会議、会合、and 打ち合わせ?

    They all seem to mean “meeting” but which is more commonly used?

  6. Is there a character limit for posting in this sub? I’m trying to post one that is about 6600 characters long, and I keep getting an error about something is wrong with my post. Or did I get banned from posting in this sub?

  7. I’m reading through [Yoshiko and Fusako](https://reajer.weebly.com/yoshiko-fusako.html) from Reajer. Yoshiko says this to Fusako:

    >ふさこさん、 おまど の そと を みましょう よ。

    I thought that she said おまど as a polite way to say window and didn’t think much of it, but afterwards, a note below the sentence says this:

    >おまど: Adding the prefix  お is a feature of feminine or childish speech.

    I really thought this was a case similar to お金 and お弁当. Do I just differentiate the childish and polite お by context? Or are there only a handful of words that can be お-ified such as 金, 弁当, and 休み?

  8. This seems like such a silly question, but would any Samsung user know where to find the Japanese full stop symbol? I’ve got the comma (、), but can’t seem to locate the full stop…

    Under the button that ironically shows me both the Japanese full stop & comma, that gives me access to a subset of symbols I have (by default): 、?!’@#$%^

    Under the button that gives me symbols like it does for any other language keyboard, there’s no full stop either.


  9. When someone says they study for something like 8 hours a day, what do you even do?
    How many grammar points, kanji, new words, etc. can you learn in the amount of time? I have a lot of free time but feel like I’m wasting it because I do maybe 15 min every hour or two of studying something new until I feel like I’ve really sunk it in

  10. **There’s a character said “そりゃ大変だな” , but there’s no subject his sentence so I’m not sure what did he mean here. Hope someone can make this clear to me.**
    Context: MC is talking with his assistant about repair the barrier of a maze, which he’s its manager. His assistant (F) said there’s something got stuck inside the maze’s barrier, and now she has to go fix it. She suggests maybe a large beast ran into the barrier, this incident doesn’t feels like a deliberate attack from some outsider.

    MC「ん? フウがこんなところにいるって珍しいな。なにかあったのか?」

    F (His Assistant)「ありましたともー。迷宮の結界に何かが引っかかったようで、もう一度張り直さなくてはならないのですよ」





    そりゃ大変だな」(my guess but not sure “I see. Sounds like we have a big problem then.” ? )**

  11. Usually こいつも sounds flat but in どいつもこいつも it sounds like atamadaka. Why is that? Is the pitch transferred from the first part (どいつも) so that it flows better of the tongue?

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