Best way to find a Japanese proofreader?

Not sure if this is the right place to ask. If not, please redirect me to the best sub for asking this. I’m not asking for a link and I know it is prohibited.

I passed n1 several years ago but my writing skill is very limited. I tried my best to translate my academic work (a thesis and a research proposal for a future PhD program in philosophy) from English into Japanese. But before I send it to professors, I would really like to have a native proofreader to check the grammar, the punctuation, and the unnatural parts of my work.

I wonder if anyone in this subreddit has done it before? Where do you find a native proofreader that is good? What’s the rate? Do they charge by the hour or by words?

1 comment
  1. You can maybe use iTalki? Although, academic work (with presumably bunch of technical terms) is going to be tricky. How long is it?

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