Do I required to enroll in NHI and national pension?

Already tried my best to find non-confusing answers.

1. NHI is probably yes?

2. I just moved here like 5 days ago so I’m unemployed, do I need to enroll in national pension?

3. If 1 and 2 are “yes”, then when I moved here in 14 days I need to -> Register address on zairyu -> apply for NHI -> apply for national pension -> wait for my number card, is it correct? Are there any other requirements?

4. Does registering my address automatically enroll me in NHI and pension system?

5. Are there other ways to pay for NHI rather than conbini? (Like online?)

6. Are the NHI payments strictly monthly or I can stack it?

Thanks in advance!

  1. 1. Only if you’re willing to throw down your gloves and scrap.

    2. Pension and health insurance are not optional. I assume you’re a student?

    3. In 14 days you need to register with the city you’ve moved to. You also need to register for NHI and pension. If you’re a student you’ll be filing every year for a pension exemption. Remember you have to do this every year, they don’t know you’re still a student.

    4. No but the desks to sign up are in the same place.

    5. I have no idea. No really I don’t. I’ve always had my employer handle everything.

    6. You’ll be given 2 options, this causes a lot of confusion with people, one is a large amount the other a smaller one. The large amounts is if you want to pay in 1 payment, that small is monthly.

  2. 1) National Hockey league?

    2) Yes, if unemployed you do. But you maybe entitled to an exemption if unemployed.

    3) Register address within 14 days. Enroll in NHI and national pension at the same time. You will have to apply for a MyNumber card separately at a later date when they post you the stuff for it, but you will have a MyNumber from day1 (on your juminhyo).

    4) No. you need to enroll when you register your address because your municipality/ward office have no idea if you’re in. Shakai Hoken providing job or a category 3 insured person (dependent spouse) so you need to tell them you wish to enroll.

    5) ask your municipality office. Each municipality is independent. So no standard way of doing things.

    6) Not sure on that one, never been enrolled in NHI. But I think you can maybe pay a month early but you cannot pay a month late…

  3. 1. required by law. Don’t pay, don’t get visas renewed.
    2. Yes
    3. Go to city hall and ask like a normal person
    4. No
    5. They can auto deduct it from your bank account.
    6. When you register they will give you a book of payment slips that include monthly, bi-monthly, 6 month and 1 year payment slips. You pick the ones you want to use.


    If you are a citizen you still need to pay. The government can and has taken money owed directly from bank accounts, taken cars and seized homes.

  4. 1. Yes
    2. Yes but you can get an exemption if you don’t plan to work. You will actually be enrolled automatically when you go to the city hall
    3. that’s correct but usually city hall will do everything for you
    4. most likely yes
    5. yes. Credit card, direct debit. Depends on your city, you have to ask officials
    6. you can pay monthly, quarterly or annually

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