Doshisha, Waseda or Sophia for transgender research? + Trans life in Kyoto?

Hi all, I know there’s a ton of posts already asking about uni advice, but my question is quite specific.

I’m looking to do a queer studies research master’s degree in Japan. My research will involve interviewing trans people in Japan. I can speak Japanese but I’m a native English speaker and would feel more comfortable doing an English taught program.

My top three choices are Doshisha (has a queer studies department with my ideal supervisor), Waseda (went there before and loved it, has a gender and sexuality center) or Sophia (has a lot more relevant classes to my subject).

Does anyone have experience or advice about these three unis?
Does anyone know what being trans is like in Kyoto, if there’s much of a trans community or if it’s easy to continue HRT there?
Any responses would be highly appreciated, thank you!!

  1. Waseda is a world class institute. Can’t speak personally about their gender studies department but as far as neuro science goes they’re top notch.

  2. I’m not super knowledgeable but I know someone who does take HRT in Japan. They were able to get a prescription but import it instead because it’s cheaper. The import website seems kinda shady to me but it’s famous over on Japanlife reddit.

  3. I can’t offer you details specific to your area of study. However, I can offer you advice about choosing where to do your master’s in Japan. No matter the school, choose it soley on your supervisor. Make sure they are active in the field (e.g., published academic papers (books don’t really count) on a consistent basis, and if you can find out, see if they attend conferences, etc.). The reason for this is it basically proves their networking ability for which you can be connected with.

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