Learning Japanese without liking anime and mange

Hi! Recently I started learning Japanese and I’m pretty excited about it. I think the language is extremely interesting. I feel I also would like to get to know the Japanese culture better. The problem is, I am not interested in anime or manga at all. I find history and the traditional culture very interesting: geishas, samurai, high quality tea, meditation techniques and so on. And I started thinking… is it possible to build a long-term motivation for learning Japanese and learning about Japanese culture without spending time with anime and mangas and video games characters? Is it possible to really understand the culture without being interested this part of it? What are your experiences?

1 comment
  1. This is like asking if you can learn English without wanting to watch American Football, the show Friends, or be into Marvel comics.

    Yes, it’s pervasive but it’s a fraction of the whole culture and millions of Japanese dont give a shit about anime or manga.

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