Good apps for learning quick kanji?

Hello there, firstly pardon me if this was already asked before, but I was wondering if anyone had some cool app recommendations for Android phones that allowed me to learn basic Kanji fast.

  1. I use JA Sensei to make custom lists and quizzes of kanji. I like it a lot.

  2. I really enjoy Japanese Kanji Study by Chase Colburn. It has many different forms of quizzes, large pool of kanji, and ways to sequence those kanji.

    Personally I bought the add-ons for all the kanji, KLC graded reading sets, and the recently released SRS function to setup flashcards so I didn’t have to use Anki any more. You can really tailor it to whatever style you want and it may seem daunting with the sheer amount of functionality and tutorials but it’s great and actively developed.

  3. The “kanji” app. With blue background. Its the best. I pracrice it 40mins pwr day and 1 learn1 kanji a day.

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