I had ChatGPT 4 create a poem that teaches Kanji Radicals, it turned out quite well!

In the land of rising sun, script so profound,
Lies the secret of characters, in radicals found.
An art of pieces, that form a whole,
A journey of language, that touches the soul.

Listen closely, for this tale we spin,
Of Japanese radicals, where we begin.
The building blocks of Kanji, you see,
Help us understand, as easy as can be.

In the world of lines, strokes and dots,
First comes “一” (ichi), as simple as thoughts.
A single line, as straight as can be,
Signifying “one”, in its simplicity.

Next comes “二” (ni), two lines in space,
A symbol for “two”, in the Kanji base.
Then arrives “三” (san), a trio in line,
Meaning “three”, isn’t it fine?

The radical “口” (kuchi), an open square,
Depicts a “mouth”, expressing with flair.
“人” (hito) represents a person, standing tall,
Two strokes, an image simple, yet enthrall.

A field is “田” (ta), seen from up high,
Lines intersecting, like a grid in the sky.
“女” (onna) is a woman, graceful and kind,
A symbol of feminity, in your mind.

“子” (ko) for child, innocent and pure,
A lineage of humanity, to endure.
“火” (hi) like a flame, flickers and dances,
In the radical world, it enchants and entrances.

“水” (mizu) flows like water, free and clear,
A life-giving force, to all creatures dear.
And “木” (ki) stands for tree, strong and tall,
A testament to nature, that enthralls us all.

Remember these radicals, keep them near,
For they’re the key to Kanji, have no fear.
The language of Japan, in your hands unfurls,
A world of meaning, in beautiful swirls.

So, embark on this journey, let your mind unfurl,
In the world of Kanji, a linguistic pearl.
With these radicals as your guide,
In the art of Japanese, you’ll surely take pride.

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