31 Day Itinerary In Japan: Solo, Tour Group, and then Solo Again (June-July)

I’ll be in Japan from June 17th to July 17th (31 days, although one is arrival and one is departure).

Mentally, I’ve broken the 31 day trip into three legs, based on the Tour Group I’ll be traveling with in the middle. This is both my first real experience with Solo Travel and Tour Group Travel (always traveled with family, friends, or college school groups before). I signed up for the tour partly to see how I like traveling with a Tour Group, so that for the future I’ll know if I prefer tours or solo travel.

I will note that I have traveled for a month at a time before, but its been 8ish years.


**About me**: I’m a ‘sightseer’, in that I like to see cool sights while I’m traveling. Buildings, nature, temples/shrines. I’m not huge on museums when my own (although I love science so that holds a special place in my interests). Love food, but not a ‘foodie’, so not really planning most of my meals (with a few exceptions). Mostly just planning to find somewhere nearby with a minimal wait whenever I get hungry. I also often just eat one large meal in the day and a couple of snacks. I’m also not a shopper and plan to be pretty minimal in term of souvenirs (a few small things for myself, something for my parents, and maybe 1-2 friends).

Is the trip overly ambitious with its planning? Absolutely. Am I going to end up canceling plans because my feet hurt too much and I need a day off my feet? Almost certainly.

I am also aware of the June/July weather in Japan. I’ve spent my whole life in an area with summers of similar heat and humidity (slightly higher heat, slightly lower humidity), so while I’m not looking forward to it, I am prepared for it.


**Leg 1** of the trip is me on my own, mostly focused on Tokyo with an overnight to Kamakura/Enoshima.

**Leg 2** is the Tour Group, which is GAdventures’ Epic Japan: Speed Trains and Street Food (https://www.gadventures.com/trips/japan-travel/5672/itinerary/), which speedruns (1-2 days each) through Tokyo, Takayama, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Osaka.

**Leg 3** is me on my own after the Tour, seeing more of Osaka, Nara, Nagoya, Arishiyama, and then back to Tokyo.

I’d love any advice or ideas from people, especially if there’s a ‘Can’t Miss’ thing that I missed. Also looking for advice on planning for Day 5 (either a Nikko day trip or more time in Tokyo) and Days 29/30 (multiple options I can’t decide on).

Some of the days are definitely overly optimistic with what I’ll be able to cover in a day; I’m going into it totally fine with not completely everything on those ambitious days.


**Leg 1: On My Own In Tokyo**


**Day 1 (Saturday June 17th): Arrival**
I land at Narita at 2pm. Between getting through customs (already got the QR codes done) and getting to my hostel, I’m not expecting to do much this day other than explore the neighborhood around my hostel (Ginza).

I am staying at the Imano Tokyo Ginza Hostel. I have arranged for a Pocket Wifi to be delivered to the hostel for me to use during the trip.


**Day 2 (Sunday June 18th): Shiba Park, Stardom Wrestling, and Sushi Tokyo-Ten**

The plan is to wake up early and head to Shiba Park for the morning. My goal is to check out Shiba Park in general, Zojo-Ji, and Atago Jinja by about 11am, including getting Goshiun and Goshiuncho. At about 11-11:30am, I will be walking over to the Shiodome for a Stardom Wrestling event (doors open at noon).

Japanese Pro-Wrestling was one of the things I really wanted to see while I am there, and this event worked out perfectly (unlike NJPW, which seems to have almost no events during my trip). I have already bought my tickets for the event.

The wrestling event should last a few hours and then I will be walking back to the Shiba Park area. Going to explore around a bit and then I have a 6:15pm reservation for the Tokyo Tower observation deck. After some time checking out Tokyo Tower, I have about 30 minute walk to Sushi Tokyo-ten Roppongi for a 9pm reservation. Then its back to my hostel.


**Day 3 (Monday June 19th): Hie Shrine, Inokashira Park, Ghibli Museum, and Shibuya**
I have entry tickets for 2pm at the Ghibli Museum. Hie Shrine is like perfectly on the way from my hostel to Inokashira Park, so I am going to stop off there,Then it is off to Inokashira Park to explore around there until my entry time. I know about both the Inokashira Zoo and Inokashira Benzaiten, and if I have extra time, I might walk over to the Kichijoji area for a bit.

At noon, I am going to get online on my phone to buy a Kaubkiza Theatre 1-Act ticket for a matinee tomorrow (Day 4/June 20th). They are restarting 1-Act tickets in June and also beginning to sell Advance Tickets online, but only the day before.

After the Ghibli Museum, I am going to travel over to Shibuya for the evening. Plan is to see the Scramble Crossing, Hachiko Statue, and maybe check out Shibuya Parco a bit. Also, if it ends up working out, eat at Happy Pancake. Then I am planning to get an evening reservation for Shibuya Sky (ideally at around sunset if it works out).


**Day 4 (Tuesday June 20th): Asakusa Shrines and Ginza**
Morning is going to be spent doing the ‘Asakusa Seven Lucky God Pilgrimmage’: https://e-asakusa.jp/en/course/3982

Goal is to visit all nine shrines: Senso-ji, Asakusa Fuji Sengen-Jinja Shrine, Matsuchiyama Shoden, Imado Shrine, Hashiba Fudoson, Ishihama-Jinja, Yoshihara Shrine, Otori Jinja, and Matsugaya. According to Google Maps, it is 80 minutes of walking, plus time spent at each shrine. I also don’t need as much time as usual at Senso-ji, as I will be visiting it (and Namikase Street) again on Day 6 (June 22nd).

I can also shorten this a bit by only doing 7 of the shrines. There are 7 ‘Lucky Gods’ but 9 shrines as two of the gods have two shrines each. So I could cut one of Otori Jinja or Ishihama Jinja (both shrines to Juro) and I could cut Imado Shrine or Matsugaya (both shrines to Fukuorkuju). Cutting Ishihama and Matsugaya seems to drop the walking by about 30 minutes. That said, I could likely stay in Asakusa as late as 2-2:30pm without it causing issues with the second half of my day. Getting started at Sensoji at 9am would mean I’d have about 5-5.5 hours. Would probably need to get a quick lunch at some point on the walk.

Later Afternoon/Evening is then going back to Ginza for the Kabukiza Theatre 1-Act (if I get a ticket), as well as some combination of Hamarikyu Gardens, the Art Aquarium Museum, Seiko House Ginza Clock Tower, and Hayao Miyazaki’s NTV Clock. Also maybe eating at Happy Pancake Ginza if it works out (and I didn’t eat at Happy Pancake yesterday in Shibuya).

I don’t have an exact schedule for this, as it depends when the Kabukiza ticket is for (matinee’s start at 3pm, but the 1-Act tickets could start later than that)


**Day 5 (Wednesday June 21st): ???**

This is one of the days I’m still trying to decide on.

Options are either a day trip to Nikko or seeing stuff in Tokyo that’s not yet on my planning (which would maybe be Akihabara and/or maybe more of Roppongi, like the museums and aquarium)
Suggestions/Recommendations here would be very appreciated.


**Day 6 (Thursday June 22nd): TeamLab Planets, Odaiba, and Asakusa Part 2**
Morning will be heading to TeamLab Planets for a 9am entrance. Depending on how tired I am, I’ll either just be taking the subway there, or if I have energy, I can get up early and walk, seeing Tsukiji Outer Market on my way. Honestly, probably doing the subway.

After TeamLab Planets, I am heading over to Odaiba area for some combination of: Yumeno Ohashi Bridge, Unicorn Gundam Statue, DECKS/DiverCity, and the Miraikan. Probably grabbing lunch, too.
Then at around 1:30, heading to Odaiba Seaside Park to catch the Tokyo Cruise from there to Asakusa at 2:20pm (ticket already bought). Do want to see the Park a bit before the cruise, though, especially the Statue of Liberty.

The cruise should get me to Asakusa at around 3:30-4pm and lets off right near Sumida Park and Kaminarimon Gate. This’ll be my chance to see Nakamise Street and Senso-Ji in more detail than Day 4. Once I’ve done so, the plan is to head over to Tokyo Skytree (still need a reservation).


**Day 7 (Friday June 23rd): Kamakura and Enoshima overnight**
Today, I will be forwarding most of my luggage to the hostel I’m staying at on Day 8. Then I am heading to Kamakura by train to see Kotoku-in and some of the other temples there (considering Hase Kannon/Hasedera, Goryo Shrine, Joju-In). Once I’ve had my fill of Kamakura, I’ll take the train to Enoshima. Stop at my ryokan, Iwamotoro, and then explore the island a bit.

Between today and the next morning, goal is to see Enoshima Shrine, Samuel Cocking Garden and the Enoshima Sea Candle, Iwaya Caves, Dragon Love Bell, and maybe the Enoshima Aquarium. I also had a note about Chigogafuchi, which I think is just a scenic view. Also just want to enjoy the ryokan and onsen a bit.


**Day 8 (Saturday June 24th, Tour Day 1): Leaving Enoshima and Heading to Shinjuku**
Breakfast at the ryokan, then seeing anything I missed the day before on Enoshima island.

Then its a train back to Shinjuku. My tour group starts today, but only for an evening meeting. So I’m going to get to the hostel, Imano Tokyo Shinjuku, check the meeting time, and then explore Shinjuku. Plan will likely be to try and do Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden and Suga Shrine before the meeting (and maybe Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building or Hanazono Shrine if I have more time).

After the meeting, going to try and see if anyone is interested in going to Omoide Yokocho or Golden Gai, both of which are super close to the hostel.


**Leg 2: Traveling with GAdventures ‘Speed Trains & Street Food’**



**Day 9 (Sunday June 25th, Tour Day 2): Meiji Shrine, Yoyogi Park, and Imperial Palace**
Today the tour has a free day in Tokyo. Planning to see Meiji Shrine, Yoyogi Park, and the Imperial Palace area (ideally with people from the tour). If there’s extra time, might go to Harajuku (maybe the Meerkat Cafe).

And then ideally, get the group to go to Golden Gai or Omoide Yokocho again at night. Although if there’s lots of time and people are interested, I might suggest Janai Coffee (a cool-sounding speakeasy, just not super conveniently located)


**Day 10 (Monday June 26th, Tour Day 3): Tokyo to Takayama**

Tour heads to Takayama for an overnight stay at a ryokan (Oyado Iguchi). Planning to just do things with the group today. Tour’s suggestions are the Hida Folk Village or Sake Street.


**Day 11 (Tuesday June 27th, Tour Day 4): Takayama to Kyoto**
Bullet train in the morning to Kyoto, staying at the Pocket Hotel Kyoto-Shijokarasuma. We should have about a half day in Kyoto after the train ride, so I’m considering trying to do Njio Castle Gardens and then an evening visit to Fushimi Inari. Alternatively, could do something like Nishiki Market, Poncho Alley, and Gion exploring. Probably depends on what the group is thinking.
Tour group has a Karaoke outing in the evening as well.


**Day 12 (Wednesday June 28th, Tour Day 5): Kyoto, Kurama-to-Kibune**
The tour has an optional day trip to Nara today, which I expect a lot of people will go to. I’m going to Nara on my own after the tour ends, so my plan is to spend the day in Kyoto.
Plan for this day is to do the Kurama-to-Kibune Hike (get to the start by 9am to do it before it gets too hot) and then see Ryoan-Ji and Kinkakuji afterwards. Might do Fushimi Inari in the evening if I didn’t do it the day before.


**Day 13 (Thursday June 29th, Tour Day 6): Kyoto**

Today I’m planning to do the Philosopher’s Walk in Kyoto and see a whole bunch of shrines and temples along the way. General order I found was Ginkakuji, Honen-in, Philospher’s Path, Eikan-do, Nanzen-ji, Keage Incline, Heian Shrine, Yasaka Shrine, Kodai-ji, and then Kiyomizu-dera. But not sure I’ll actually stop and see all of those.

For the evening (if I finish the walk with any energy/time), I jotted down seeing Sannenzaka and Ninenzaka Streets and Hokan-Ji Pagoda in the Higashiyama area, and the Tatsumi Bashi/Shirakawa-dor areas in Gion.


**Day 14 (Friday June 30th, Tour Day 7): Kyoto to Hiroshima**
After the train ride to Hiroshima, just planning to do what the group is interested in. The tour recommends the Hiroshima Park and Peace Memorial.
We are staying at the Hiroshima Wabisabi Hostel.


**Day 15 (Saturday July 1st, Tour Day 8): Hiroshima/Miyajima Island**

Tour takes a trip to Miyajima Island. Hanging with the group, maybe doing the Mt. Misen summit visit.


**Day 16 (Sunday July 2nd, Tour Day 9): Hiroshima to Osaka**

Group takes a train to Osaka and then has free time. Staying at the Imano Osaka Shinsaibashi Hostel. Probably just hanging with the group today. Likely going to push for Dotonbori at night (our hostel is close to it)


**Day 17 (Monday July 3rd, Tour Day 10): Osaka**

We have free time until evening, when we have a planned Nightlife outing with the group to say goodbyes (I’m guessing it’ll be in Dotonbori).

For the day, might just hang with the group and whatever they’re interested in, or might try to get a group to do either Katsuo-Ji or the Osaka Aquarium. Might even see if group is interested in Universal Studios Japan (which sounds fun but I wouldn’t do by myself)


**Leg 3: Post-Tour Group**


**Day 18 (Tuesday July 4th, Tour Day 11): Osaka**

This is technically still part of the tour, but its literally just ‘leave in the morning’.
I have four more days in Osaka. For the first two, I’ll be transferring to the Imperial Hotel Osaka.

I have a reservation to eat dinner at Ginza Kyubey at 7:30pm (which is in the Imperial Hotel).
Other than that, just working on my **‘Osaka Checklist’** (see below).


**Day 19 (Wednesday July 5th): Osaka**

Second night at the Imperial Hotel Osaka.

Working on **Osaka Checklist**


**Day 20 (Thursday July 6th): Osaka**

Transfer to the Holiday Inn Osaka Namba

Before transferring (checkout but leave bags at Imperial Hotel), go to Osaka Castle Park and have lunch at Izayaka Toyo.

Working on **Osaka Checklist**


**Day 21 (Friday July 7th): Osaka**

Second night at Holiday Inn Osaka Namba

Have tickets for 6pm Hanshin Tigers baseball game at Koshien Stadium.

Before that, either working on Osaka checklist OR taking a day trip to Himeji Castle (and seeing a little bit of Kobe on the way back, mostly just Kobe Herb Garden & Ropeway). Only doing the day trip if I feel like I’m done with Osaka Checklist stuff and my legs are feeling up to it.


**Osaka Checklist**

I’m not planning out Osaka nearly as much as the rest of my trip, because honestly by this point, I’m expecting to need several rest days. So I made a bit of a checklist of things I’d like to see, but am not scheduling them out or stressing about seeing all of it. These also aren’t in preference order (recommendations for best options would be appreciated)

-Katsuo-Ji (if not done on day 17 with tour group) [this would likely be most of a day because of travel time, might mix with Minoh Park]

-Osaka Aquarium (if not done on day 17 with tour group)

-Hep Five Ferris Wheel, Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine, Umedo Sky Building, Pokemon Center (grouped together here because they are all close together)

-TeamLab Botanical Garden (a nighttime thing, I might even see if the tour group is interested in trying to get tickets for the night of Day 16. Would be looking into tickets at the beginning of tour group days if so.)

-Spa World (especially if a ‘relaxing day’ is necessary)

-Shinsaibashi Suji (probably mixed with more Dotonbori time), and the nearby ‘PC and Retro bar Space Station’.

-Namba Yasaka Jinja, Osaka Shinsekai Street, Tsutenkaku, Shitenno-Ji, Harukas 300 (grouped together here because they are close to each other)

-Sumiyoshi Taisha


**Day 22 (Saturday July 8th): Osaka to Nara**

Taking the train to Nara and staying at the ryokan Sarusawaike Yoshidaya, right next to Nara Park. Having dinner at ryokan and enjoying its onsen. Before that, seeing the classic Nara stuff (Nara Park, deer, Todaiji, etc) and maybe going to Nakatanidou to see them make Mochi.
Would love suggestions/ideas.


**Day 23 (Sunday July 9th): Nara to Nagoya**

Enjoy the morning in Nara (see more Nara stuff, maybe Mt Wakakusa or other Nara temples), then train to Nagoya at some point.

Staying at the Mitsui Garden Hotel Nagoya Premier. Enjoying the hotel’s indoor onsen as well as the view from my room at night. Might have dinner at the hotel, or explore Nagoya a bit to find somewhere else to eat.


**Day 24 (Monday July 10th): Nagoya and Ghibli Park**

In the morning, transfer to Nagoya Crown Hotel (only about a 15 minute walk).
Enjoy the morning in Nagoya, then have 12pm entrance to Ghibli Park.

After Ghibli, enjoy more Nagoya.

Beside Ghibli Park, haven’t really planned Nagoya, but did make note of Nagoya Castle, Atsuta Shrine, and maybe the Tokugawa Art Museum. Would love suggestions/ideas.
Also had a note to try Miso Katsu.

Can also enjoy the hotel’s indoor onsen.


**Day 25 (Tuesday July 11th): Nagoya to Arishiyama**

Breakfast at Nagoya Crown Hotel, and then train to Arashiyama.

Staying at the ryokan Ranzan (indoor onsen)

Plan for today is to cross Togestu-kyo bridge and then do Horin-ji temple, Iwatayama Monkey Park, and Daihikaku Senkoji Temple (if there’s time for them all).

Then back to Ranzan for dinner before seeing the Kimono Forest display at the train station.


**Day 26 (Wednesday July 12th): Arashiyama Temples**

Dinner at Ranzan (breakfast too, but probably skip for timing)

Get up real early to see the Arashiyama Bamboo grove before it gets crowded, then get to Tenryuji Temple for 8:30am opening. Rest of the day is planned to try and see Okochi Sanso Garden/Gorge Observation Deck, Jojakko-ji, Gio-Ji, Otagi Nenbutsu-Ji, Adashino-Nembutsu-Ji, and Seiryo-Ji. Not expecting to see them all, just whatever I have time for.

Evening is free in Arashiyama (since the latest temple closes at 4:30pm), so might explore a little or just enjoy onsen at Ranzan.


**Day 27 (Thursday July 13th): Arashiyama, Kokedera/Saiho-Ji, and then to Tokyo**

Breakfast at Ranzan. Checkout but leave stuff there.

See whatever I missed temple-wise from previous day

Ranzan is trying to help me get a reservation for Kokedera/Saiho-Ji for 11:30am-1pm.
Lunch in Arashiyama, grab my stuff from Ranzan, and then train to Tokyo.

In tokyo, staying at Dormy Inn Ueno Okachimachi.


**Day 28 (Friday July 14th): Ueno Park and Temples**

Start the morning in Ueno Park to see Shinobazunoike Benten-do, Gojoten Shrine, Ueno Toshogu Shrine. Then begin a walk to see Yushima Tenjin Shrine, Kanda Myojin Shrine, Yushima Seido Shrine, and then Jimbocho Book Town.

End the day by heading to Yasukuni-Jinja for festival (July 13th-16th, 6pm).


**Day 29-30 (Saturday July 15th – Sunday July 16th): ???**

Haven’t decided what to do with these two days.

**Option 1:** More Tokyo and a day trip to Hakone. The first day would probably be seeing more of the Ueno Park stuff (Zoo, Museums, etc) and then maybe Akihabara. Second day would be a day trip to try and do th Hakone Loop in one day (or maybe a day trip to Nikko if I don’t do that on Day 5)

**Option 2:** Two more days in Tokyo. The first day would probably be seeing more of the Ueno Park stuff (Zoo, Museums, etc) and then maybe Akihabara. Second day would be probably just be a makeup day for anything I missed, or could maybe be DisneySea, although not sure if I’d enjoy going to a theme park on my own (never done it).

**Option 3:** Overnight trip to Hakone. Stay at a ryokan (ideally one with an outdoor onsen and view of Mt Fuji). Do the Hakone Loop in more detail. Sunday would end with returning to the Tokyo hotel in Ueno

**Option 4:** A different overnight trip. Maybe an onsen ryokan at Lake Kawaguchiko? Sunday would end with returning to the Tokyo hotel in Ueno

Suggestions here would be greatly appreciated.


**Day 31 (Monday July 17th): Departure**

Flight out is from Narita at 2pm, so not planning to do anything besides have breakfast before heading out.

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