Tokyo VR Zone/Webket Tokyo Japan Credit Card Fraudulent Charge

This week I noticed a charge for 0.01 cents from “Webket Tokyo JPN”, which after looking up my email, is the company that managed online tickets for Tokyo VR Zone in Shinjuku (closed last year).

I thought maybe their database has been hacked, because my visit there was 3 years ago. They could be testing the card with a small transaction to determine whether the card is active. So please check your transactions since lots of people here also visited VR Zone in the past.

  1. Hackers…charge 1000000 people .01 a day over the course of time…$10000 a day…nobody notices….nobody complains…contact your bank

  2. Fiance and I both had the same thing happen on Thursday. Thankfully his bank sent picked it up and sent a fraud alert. We’ve cancelled our cards, would recommend anyone who has this transaction to do the same thing, it’s only .01c now but it means your card details are compromised and in all likelihood they’ll try again for more.

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