how to get abortion?

I am a minor in tokyo and I just found out that I am pregnant just now this morning.

I am less than a month pregnant.

I don’t have any adults for money help. I really need an abortion. I have about 50,000 yen in cash. But thats isn’t enough.

Please what do I do I can’t have a baby

please tell me what to do

  1. i tried googling and it seems possible, but you need consent from the partner. you might not need it in case of noy knowing who the father is, but you will need to do a consultation and put your japanese to test.

    do you have a (also minor) friend who can help you to pose as a father or at least translator for you?

  2. There are online organizations you can contact that will send the pills by mail. It will take time but if you’ll still be under 10 weeks pregnant it will be effective. They have resources if you cannot afford it. Womenonwaves.

  3. I can’t help, but I hope you will get the pills. Don’t panic and don’t try any suspicious home methods. Asking someome you trust for help and support would be helpful, but if you can’t or don’t want to do it, I believe you will manage on your own. However, you should check where the closest hospital is before you take the pills – just in case. Take care of yourself.

  4. I googled and I think that (Women help Women) might be helpful as well. I haven’t tried it, but as far as I know it’s legit. You have to fill a form (10 minutes) and, as I understand, they ask for 75€ for their further operations.

  5. Also replying for better visibility. Pay no attention to some of the negative comments. I hope you get the help and support you and your partner need.

  6. Replying for visibility. Good luck, I’m sure you’re scared but it will pass and you will have a bright future at your own hand.

  7. Who the f is reporting this? We’re not back in your shithole country, abortions are legal in Japan.

  8. Replying cuz I work in a clinic for women. There are clinics that do abortion since its legal here in Japan. It can be done in a day but the price depends on the clinic. The one I work at is at around 75,000 yen covers the medicine and the operation. But since I live in Osaka the price there in Tokyo might be different. For now stay calm and check out some clinic online, then make an appointment. Clinics that do abortion keep your information safe so you don’t have to worry about being found out or what. Also if you don’t want someone you know finds out or see you, try going to a clinic far from where you live. Anyway, if you have further question feel free to message me. Wish you the best.

  9. Abortion is legal and you can find a few different clinics to do it at, however they are expensive. Is there any way for you to get more money? Maybe split the cost with your partner or ask a trusted adult for the money?

  10. Commenting to boost. Good luck and hope you get the help you need. Stay calm, you got this.
    To the people reporting this thread. If you don’t like abortion then go back to your shithole country where it’s banned.

  11. As someone else already said the cost for it at a woman clinic might be too expensive for you, but just want to let you know that you don’t have to feel anxious if you decided to go to one. On the form of the first pregnancy check up, they have the questionaire about if you want to keep or to abort it, from then they will advice based on your answer. English speaking clinic is going to be a lot more expensive then a common hospital though.

  12. Others have already given really good advice so I wanted to comment to boost.

    You will get through this. <3 Sending all my best wishes to you, OP.

    Re payment, see if a partner or trusted friend is able to help you out. With discussion, medical facilities can sometimes split payments up for you so that you can pay in increments rather than all at once, so discuss that option with whichever clinic you choose.

  13. How far are you into? There is an NPO offer access to abortion pills to women by mail. If you are less than 10 weeks you can contact them to get pill delivered. This is the website

    If you are over 12 weeks you need to go to a clinic to get surgical abortion. It will cost 10-20man and not covered by insurance.

    Wishing you the best.

  14. I don’t have experience with this at all, but a few suggestions:

    * I’m wondering if you could call your local welfare center and ask if they provide help with this.
    * [This]( is a women’s organization, and here’s a [list of more]( Maybe they have info?
    * Look for NGOs based on your nationality or language.
    * See if your consulate has information on this.

    For those wondering about birth control pills, it’s hella expensive here and apparently too strong, so I understand why many women might not take it. Also, remember that no birth control is 100% safe, including condoms – “IT’S ON THE BOX!”

    Edit: included “pills”

  15. I don’t know what to say…. I feel really really sorry for you. I don’t how to help. I just feel like I want to stay by your side for this whole process. Today’s my birthday and I was already down and this is making me even more sad. If you need any financial support please share you PayPal Id.

  16. You can can get pills from Women on Web. they send it to Japan fast. Costs about 10,000¥

  17. Hey anon,

    May I recommend you K Ladies Shinjuku Clinic ? My gf went there last year because we had a contraceptive accident. You just walk in (no appointment needed), you explain your situation and they give you the pill. The speak English as well. I don’t recall the exact price but it was no more than 20 000 yens (in fact might have been lower, but I can’t remember exactly).

    Best of luck to you, hope this helps. If you have any more questions don’t hesitate

  18. I know it’s a highly personal thing but if you’re just a bit off affording it, DM me. My wife and i would sincerely be willing to help in that department with a bit of proof so I can be confident this isnt a fake story/scam.

    I’m not in Japan but am half Japanese. Skip if it’s too uncomfortable ofc. Just putting it out there that if the only blocker is 10,000 yen or something I would like to help that not be a blocker.

    Best of luck no matter what.

  19. This is not a safe space for women to discuss such issues. There are a lot of misogynists on this sub.

  20. There is a way to get abortion pills for 10k yen. It’s an overseas organization that sends abortion pills to places where abortion is illegal or difficult. I ordered it for my partner a year ago and it worked (while I was still living in Japan). Have screenshots to prove it. I would post the site here but It got deleted in another subreddit, asking the same question. Dm me.

    edit: also you have to be less than 10 weeks pregnant which luckily OP is

    edit: oh dw about dming. As other posters have already commented, it was Women on Web.

  21. I think everyone else has already said what I could, just wanted to comment and let OP know that if they ever want to talk, even if it’s just to a stranger, my inbox is open. I’ve been in your position and know how hard this can be. If you would like to chat or even just vent, please feel free. Much love and light your way, you’re going to be okay. ❤️

  22. You will need the father’s permission to have the procedure. Will you be able to get that, or do you have a trusted male friend who could say he is the father?

    When I needed an abortion, my husband went with me. He had to fill out a document and stamp it. He wasn’t allowed in the clinic building because it was a women’s clinic, though.

    Most clinics will want you to come on one day to do tests, and another day to have the procedure. I could everything one day, but I had to a lot of pay extra money.

    Edit: The total cost for mine was 170,000 yen at 7 weeks. including the blood and HIV tests. But there are cheaper clinics, especially if you don’t need to do everything in one visit. Do you speak Japanese?

  23. Hey girlie. Please go on the website (women-on the -web) they will help you get a abortion pill from another country and send it to you in Japan in less than a week. Take the pill as instructed.

    I have never had an abortion but I have helped many women in Japan get a hold of the pill and they could have an abortion in the comfort of their homes.

    Private message them (email) and ask them for the abortion pill and tell them your circumstances.


  24. First of all, virtual hugs for you. I know it’s a scary time. You’ll be fine, there are things that can be done. And feel free to DM me for emotional support.

    I haven’t seen anyone mentioned this yet, but how did you find out about the pregnancy? Did you miss a period and decided to do home test? I know that most of the time they’re pretty accurate, but since it seems you’re taking them pretty early (less than a month means that you took them less than a month from your last period), there might be so inaccuracy.

    The first step you’ll have to do now is go to a gynaecologist to get a blood test to confirm that you are pregnant. Call around to find a clinic that can give you the fastest result. From there, they can give you a better idea of what to do next.

    Since it’s still early, medical abortion is an option, and it’ll be a lot cheaper than surgical abortion. The gynaecologist might offer to give you the medication, but if it’s outside your budget, just say you need time to decide and explore other options mentioned on the other comments like Women on Web.

    The others also have mentioned that in Japan they’ll ask consent from the sperm donor for the abortion. I’m not sure if it’s also true for medical abortion. But if it is, as others mention you can say you don’t know whom. You can also ask any trusted male friend that is willing, to sign the document.

  25. You can easily get an abortion, as you can prove that you don’t have financial means. You’ll need the father approval though.

    Best to avoid this at all. Force your male partners to use a condom. It is an expensive procedure, both mentally and financially.

  26. Replying for visibility, but also to say what I haven’t seen stated enough: Please please please do not try any at-home or diy solutions. They may seem like an easy way out, and I know you may be feeling panicked, but they can be deadly. Stay calm, you will figure this out and you will get through it.

    I also recommend telling the father that you expect some financial help from him to cover the procedure. It takes two to make a baby, and he is just as responsible for this.

    Best of luck to you, OP.
    Sending good vibes

  27. Call the 消費生活センター this is a governmental organization specifically setup to help people with such problems.
    Even if your Japanese is not good, just go the center and explain your situation; they’ll have someone for translating.

    To find nearest to yours. Just google ‘your city+消費生活センター’. For example if you live in shinjuku, it would be ‘新宿区 消費生活センター’.

    Relevant link:-

  28. I wish you the best this post reminds me of my little sister and can’t imagine what you are feeling right now.

  29. OP, I wanted to second the team saying talk to your partner and see if he can provide some money. This is not something to feel uncomfortable about. It’s a part of responsibility and accountability and he might also feel like he wants to take the initiative. Not asking just means he doesn’t get a chance to take action when clearly you both fell into this situation together. Don’t lose hope! Please DM me if you have any questions on the pill or still need the yen to move forward.

  30. 1. Getting an abortion is totally legal in Japan.

    2. You need about 80000 – 140000 Yen in cash to get an abortion. The governmental health insurance doesn’t cover it.

    3. Not always, but you need consent from your partner to get an abortion, so you need to tell him.

    4. Not always, but many clinics require you to have consent from your parents as well since you’re a minor. It’s not legally necessary to get consent from your parents but many clinics require you since they want to avoid some risks.

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