What to eat when you don’t feel like eating

I need help! I just can’t eat. Nothing appeals to me at all. Can you share your tips with me?

  1. What usually appeals to you? Can you find a substitute? Why don’t you feel like eating? Is it because of the weather?

  2. Fellow alcoholic?

    Keep something instant to make on hand so you have something to quickly eat when you want to otherwise the cycle starts up again

  3. Suffering 夏バテですね~

    I feel your pain, it’s the same for me. In my case, I survive the summer with lettuce salads with tomato, cucumber and tuna, sōmen with plenty of ice cubes, cold mugicha in industrial quantities and some beer.

  4. Dried fruits and nuts. Keep a bowl on hand.

    If you want something a little more refreshing: apple slices with a little lemon juice.

  5. “Sarada udon”,take some veggies chop then up adda protein and udon noodles simple and filling and cool. Or cold noodle soup.

  6. Something spicy usually helps me a lot!
    Like eating Shin Ramyun for lunch usually gets my appetite going and also my butthole…

  7. Nosh has a food subscription if you’re dedicating too much thinking capacity to food

  8. Chocolate can help jump start appetite.

    Source: 21 years of doctors telling me that.

  9. Sour foods are supposed to stimulate the appetite, at least in Chinese culture. Try some pickled ginger or dried plums.

  10. I suffer from the summer heat un appetite too. I usually try to do the minimum of the vitamin jelly packs at conbini. It is not the best option but atleast you are not going to feint.

  11. Even though it seems counterintuitive, try spicy foods. In summer I go through a (BIG) bottle of sriracha every couple of weeks. There’s a reason a lot of hot countries are known for fiery cuisine.

  12. Whenever I have NO appetite, I usually eat either boiled eggs (the ones that are in the packs at konbini) or shabu-shabu salad and I usually can keep those down.

    The energy vitamin drink-packs (?) also help if I can’t stand to eat anything and I need an energy boost. They’re like 200 calories and taste good lol. They have multivitamin ones too but I usually need the energy/more caloric ones when I really just can’t eat.

  13. Nut butter is low effort, nutritious, calorie dense and tastes good

    Supplement with a tallie in the park when you’re sweaty

  14. If you’re overweight, this is perfect. If you’re a normal healthy weight, this isn’t too troubling I suppose. If you’re underweight, it’s quite a concern.

    I think if you’re not hungry then you’re not hungry. When you are truly hungry everything is appealing. Even things you thought you disliked.

  15. If you are worried about losing weight: 2-3 hours before meal time have something slightly sweet – an ice tea with a teaspoon of sugar, or a few cherry tomatoes. It doesn’t have to be much. Think “appetizer”. This should release insulin and a few hours later you will want food.

  16. I had to go to therapy for this.

    Think of yourself like a machine. Put food in your mouth and chomp down on it like a a mechanical machine would “eat” food.

    Once you have a couple of bites your appetite should kick in and you should find yourself becoming hungry.

    For me vegetables work well. Salads etc.

  17. Are you losing to much weight?

    I know when it gets hot my body tells me “yo fat boy, if you eat less you’ll lose weight and be more comfortable”.

    Fortunately a donut or 12 shuts that pesky voice right the fuck up.

    (No seriously if you’re getting enough calories and not dangerously underweight don’t worry about it).

  18. How about smoothies? Might be easier for you since you’re drinking instead of eating, but you still get all the nutrients from the fruit&veg you put in it. You can blend yogurt, seeds, nut butters or milk etc in to add protein and fats.

    When I don’t have much of an appetite because of the heat, instead of forcing myself to sit down and eat a whole meal all at once, i’ll graze throughout the day on stuff like hiyayakko (I like to top mine with kimchi or shio-kombu and a drizzle of sesame oil), somen, cucumber, tomato, daikon, hummus, pickles, roasted nori sheets, jello, ice-pops etc

  19. A fruit smoothie, bought a nutri bullet and i basically replaced dinner with it. Just throw in milk, a banana, oats and some frozen goodies.

  20. Hiyashi-Chuka which is cold noodles with vegetables, ham, and sour source. Sometimes found in ramen shops or casual Japanese restaurants.

  21. I recently re-discovered chickpeas again. I buy them canned in salt water. They are super cheap, you can store them for a very long time and therefore eat them whenever you want, even directly out of the can. For some reason they are often my first choice if “I don’t want to eat anything”! Also I think they contain a lot of healthy stuff and much protein.

  22. If the heat is taking your appetite, I agree with the comments about cold fresh veggies. They’re easy to eat with the big plus of vitamins.

    Recently I was very ill and I couldn’t eat properly at all, I subsisted off of okayu and those little bottled smoothies from the conbini for a while. When I could stomach it, I’d use calorie mate too.

  23. frozen mango slices from 7/11. Just put them in a bowl and eat them as they thaw. Takes up a lot of my time and I’m eating something.

  24. Some eggs sunny side up with cheese on top melting and a pinch of pink salt. That usually does it for me.

  25. I usually have a wedge or two of those cheese-type products that come in the round container (with the six, foil-wrapped “cheese” pieces) on mornings when I otherwise don’t feel like “breakfast.”

  26. I love Japanese food, but now and again I get tired of rice and noodles and fish and tofu and just need a good old traditional ham sandwich. Nothing beats it. Not the shitty soggy conbini thing, I make it myself with good quality ingredients. Making it is an important part of the ritual. Yum yum yum! Always cheers me up.

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