this is what $30 worth of real, fresh ground wasabi looks like

this is what $30 worth of real, fresh ground wasabi looks like

  1. I’m always torn when I go out for sushi, there’s one place that jas phenomenal fish that always tastes so damn fresh. Then there’s another place that has pretty good fish, but they have real wasabi. I feel like I need to buy wasabi at the one and then go eat at the other.

  2. There’s also many different strains and ways to grow wasabi. Sawa or mizu wasabi, which grows semi-aquatically in very cold spring water, has a much better taste compared to hatake (soil) or other synthetic growing methods (drip, aquaponic, hydroponic, etc). Ask your chef if they know the strain (Mazuma most common) and what type (sawa, hatake) of wasabi it is.

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