Working Holiday Visa Questions

Hey all, I’m currently living in Japan on a working holiday visa, have been here for 1 month, but having some issues with accomodation. Any help would be great!

Recently moved from Tokyo to Osaka, completed the moving out procedure in Tokyo, have come to Osaka and gone to register my new address. City hall has informed me that I cannot register my Airbnb as an address as the owner has requested people not to be able to do this. Wasn’t an issue in Tokyo, didn’t know this was a thing until today, will always be sure to ask the owner before booking in the future. They provided me with a notice of address change – different to a residence change, and added it to my residence card however said I need to complete a new address registration once I find a new place. However they didn’t provide a time frame on this. After doing some reading I have found that people have simply not set addresses whilst on a WHV as it is extremely difficult to when you’re travelling around every month (as requested by immigration). Is there any issues with not setting a new address until I find something long term further down the line? I have travel insurance so not worried about the health insurance side of things.

Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

  1. No issues really. Some hospitals might not accept you if you don’t have Japanese health insurance. But you’ll have somewhere to go if you need it.

    It’s an annoying system I’ll agree, I wanted to hop about too.

    It’s only necessary to notify your original place (getting something on your card) as you have, but following that it’s not too important.

    airbnb and venues will flag on their systems as a hotel let (unless they haven’t properly registered their building). So you need a legit one really. Sakura house, oak house, Leo palace etc.

    If you want a job and health insurance, bank etc then you need a set residency and it’s not an instant process, so bear that in mind. But if you’re happy just travelling about and not working it’s all good.

  2. I was on a WHV way back in the day and I registered an address (temporary dorm) within the first 10 days of arriving. When I eventually moved to a private apartment residence 3 months later, I didn’t bother to update the address. It didn’t cause any problems down the line for me. Now happily living here as a PR. Enjoy the ride on your WHV, it was life-changing for me!

  3. I don’t know if it’s helpful for your situation but in Tokyo there are a lot of “monthly rental” companies and I never had an issue registering my address at those. Could be something to consider instead of Airbnb.

  4. WHV is a bit of a “wild card” visa, which some what plays outside the normal requirements for residents and immigration laws.

    You’re not quite a resident… but then you *kind of* are… hence the wild card.

    So honestly, I don’t think it really matters. I think the municipalities in Japan are likely aware of this wild card feature to WHVs.

    You won’t even get billed resident tax or income tax because your employer/s (if working) should be withholding a fixed 20.42% non-resident tax at source. And any work not done for a Japanese employer you file your own quasi tax return to pay 20.42% non-residents tax.

    Also I don’t think WHV holders are required to pay national pension and national health insurance too either?

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