Looking for Kanji Dictionary recommendations

I am looking for what’s considered to be the best in terms of Kanji dictionaries. I am looking for both apps (iOS, please) and physical books.

Please leave your suggestions below!

  1. Any reason why it must be a *kanji* dictionary, instead of just a regular J-J or whatever else?
    Speaking of which, *best* is usually going to be in Japanese. As such, you’ll need to specify what language you want it in.

  2. What specifically are you looking for that you need? Stroke order, readings, ranks, examples, etc etc? Are you using it to learn kanji? To research? We need more information.

    A pure kanji dictionary’s not gonna be much help since kanji’s just a building block, they’re hardly ever words themselves. For example, 妨 is explained as さまたげる. In order to understand 妨, you’d have to look up さまたげる anyway.

    If you want a checklist of kanji, I recommend looking up 教育漢字 as a start. [Happy Lilac](https://happylilac.net/syogaku.html#down1) has very useful material, charts and illustrations, designed for native Japanese students to learn kanji.

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