In your opinion, are most US military brave or cowardly when alone?

I’ve been living in Tokyo for a few years and I’ve noticed the Military/SOFA guys will act all tough when they’re in a group they think is big enough they’re all talk and swagger but you get them before their friends can try to jump you and they’re crying like little bitches with don’t pop my eyeball out and please stop it’s already broken. Do you think this is because they’re trained to rely on a gun or a few hours of combatives training which focuses on holding their opponent until their buddies can arrive.

What’s your experience?

(Note while this is 100% true it’s also satire based on this post of trying to assign characteristics to everyone based on race/culture/group -

  1. Couldn’t you, like, put this as a response to the original thread instead of power tripping in a new one?

  2. When the US military sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

  3. All I know is, in the state I lived in, military recruiters only solicited and campaigned at high schools, shopping malls in poor areas. They never were never at the rich areas.

  4. Probably. But they can at least hold a 3 minute conversation without diverging to anime / games so they good peeps in my books.

  5. I thought for a moment this was satire about the Uvalde police, then realized even as a group they were cryin like little bitches.

  6. I think this is probably true for many people, military or not, that being in a group makes them feel like “Bill Balls Bobby”. Whereas being alone, not so much.

    Also, why are you “getting people” and “popping” their eyes out?

  7. You know, this would be very offensive to US military guys if they could read.

  8. When I visited Okinawa many times they were always nice as pie.
    But I wasn’t bar hopping at night.

  9. idk do americans act tougher in a group or alone? imo most americans are exactly the same and behave the same way and generalizing them is totally not racist or ignorant

  10. I can’t really speak for individuals in the US military as I’m sure they’re all varied people. I also don’t interact with them much as there are virtually no military people in my city (no nearby bases) and no one in my family has recently served. I’m sure I’ve been around or even met servicemen without even knowing it.

    However, I have been sexually harassed by groups of GI’s on two occasions, once in Japan and once in Korea, both in drinking districts when I walked past a group of them. In Korea I ignored them and they continued to yell gross things at me until I was out of earshot. In Japan I walked past a group hanging out in front of a bar (Hub lol) and when I ignored them, one guy ran up to me and got in my way and called me a “fucking bitch” before his buddy dragged him away. I was really shaken and went into the first conbini I could find on the next block and cried in the bathroom. Both times multiple guys in the group were catcalling.

    So yeah, that kind of flavors my opinion of my country’s servicemen lol.

  11. I’ve met cool military guys and not so cool, Idk people are people, not everyone is great.

  12. I’m pretty sure that if I would have opened this thread I would have received yet another warning, threatening me with a perma-ban. But mods can do whatever they want. Seems fair. Classic North Korea Life sub.

  13. Are these kinds of posts OK now, or only when they are anti-American? I got some jokes I want to tell.

  14. *Calls out the U.S. military*

    Wow, you better cool it with those transphobic remarks. Not okay.

  15. It depends, some are just enlist to escape something or because they really have nowhere else to go. They are mostly just late teens or in early 20s. I know some career military guys as well and they are well behaved and confident in their own skin.

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