Decision for Spring 2021 Trip

A few of us had originally planned a 2 week trip for Spring of this year (late March into April), but we all know how that panned out. As such, we rescheduled our trip for this same time in 2021. Initially, we would just take the schedule we’d planned out and use it next year, but we’ve since decided to turn that 2 week trip into 3 weeks.

That leaves us with the current dilemma of picking between a couple places we had left of to fill some of this new time, and I was hoping to pick the brains and opinions of the lovely people here. I’ll preface at least these couple options by saying that we’re aware of/fine with some more train-time to see the points we want to, and we’re also aware that public transport won’t be quite as great or far-reaching in these areas.

We’re looking to allocate a few days (4+/-) in the April 9-16ish area to either some amount of the Wakayama Peninsula/Kumano area (Ise, Nachi/Hongu Taisha, maybe Kushimoto) or Fukui (Maruoka Castle, Eiheiji, Tojinbo, as well as some other coastal/scenic points of interest, such as the rive lakes near Kiyama). Any thoughts that any of you have regarding one or both of these places would be greatly appreciated!

  1. We did 3 nights hiking the Kumano Kodo and I’d highly recommend it. The onsens are great and you get to seen some incredible scenery. The hiking was not difficult (but not easy, either) and we stayed in small villages. I have the itinerary if you’re interested. Some of the home stays are very small, how many of you are traveling?

  2. What does the rest of your itinerary look like? Have you been to Japan before? I ask because a lot of people have a tendency to plan too much in too little time, so there’s a reasonable chance you already have enough to fill 3 weeks on your existing “2 week” itinerary.

    Having said that, if you do have the time my personal choice would be either the Seto Inland Sea region or some combination of sights in the central mountains of Chubu/Hokuriku.

  3. When I went to Japan during spring, I enjoyed my overnight trip to Miyajima.

    Sendai and surrounding area is fantastic as well.

    Both have beautiful scenic coastal views

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