UK tax advice for 2nd Year Jet

I’m a UK JET that came to Japan in November 2021. From my understanding, because I worked in the UK for the majority of the 2021 – 2022 tax year, I’m liable to pay tax on my JET earnings from Novemeber 2021 to April 2022.

The only advice I can find online for filing taxes applies to US ALTs. Any information on this is much appreciated! Haven’t even registered for online self assessment yet so I’m a bit snookered.


  1. I came at a normal time and paid no UK tax that tax year. I even had a tax rebate before I left the country if I recall correctly.

    I think it’s just separate – you’ll pay tax on your UK earnings for that tax year and that’s it.

  2. I moved here a year ago. The UK tax office service team is very helpful if you need advice, also their twitter is useful if you can’t call.

    In my case, I had earnings from my teaching salary in the UK (already taxed) and earnings from my apartment which I rent out (needed to pay tax). They did not want to know about my Japanese income.

    I did a self assessment online and declared everything I’d earned in the UK that tax year. They only taxed my rental income.

  3. Contact HMRC (you can email them or like someone else said their Twitter if you can’t call). You need to declare that you have moved from the UK and are earning an income abroad. If you have student finance you need to tell student finance too. You should pay taxes in Japan on your Japanese income and not pay UK taxes. But you need to tell HMRC

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