Internet advice with iTSCOM

Hi everyone! I just moved into an older apartment in Shibuya-ku and I’ve been struggling with internet. Our realtor said we shouldn’t have any trouble getting Hikari or NTT, but I’m a little stuck.

I called Rakuten Hikari after their site said we were eligible, but when they got here the technicians couldn’t find the cables in our building. They’re going to call us back to see what the options are.

I asked my landlord and he said the building is contracted with iTSCOM, and that if I call them, they’ll come set up the router. I see they’re offering a “up to” 600 mb plan, but I have no idea how stable their connections are.

There’s only two or three other households in the building, and they’re all older residents and don’t seem use the internet much, from our short conversations.

Is getting Hikari even an option, in this case? Does anyone have experience with iTSCOM in downtown Tokyo? At this point do I just bite the bullet and get Softbank Air or something?? Any and all advice is appreciated! 🫠

1 comment
  1. Itscom and all the other “contracted” providers that contract with your building do so because they don’t offer a service that is comparable to NTT.

    NTT, for a while now has stopped installing distribution equipment in smaller apartment blocks.

    If you live in one of these blocks then you can still get NTT but you have to contract as a detached house, so you do not get the apartment block pricing.

    If you are going with Rakuten, their internet is fine. The mobile network is a big honking stinker. They will give you the fixed internet line for free if you contract with their mobile network, but obviously be warned about the mobile coverage.

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