Kyoto 1 day itinerary check


I’m taking a day trip (yes, I know, would’ve been nice to spend more days) to Kyoto with my girlfriend next monday (22th of May).
I’d like to hear some thoughts on our planned itinerary. I have been doing some thinking about how long we could spend at each spot, and to me it seems like there should be time to do all this. But let me know if you think otherwise.

* 9:09 am, arrive with Shinkansen
* Grab some to-go food/snacks from e.g. nearby 7-11
* Make our to the **Bamboo Grove & Forest**
* San-In Line train to Saga-Arashiyama Station
* Free with JR Pass
* **Kameyama Park**
* See some wild monkey if we’re (extremely?) lucky
* Visit observation deck
* **Tenryu-ji Temple**
* Probably only see the garden
* Maybe also see inside really quickly (extra 300 yen)
* **Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama**
* Walk here
* Feed some monkeys
* Make our way up to the “**Peak Rest House**” where there are free roaming monkeys(?)
* Make our way to **Nishiki Market**
* Planning on it being about 2pm at latest by this point
* ~1hr bus
* Or ~20min faster(?) by switching trains: Arashiyama Station → Katsura Station → Karasuma Station train
* Eat and explore
* Spend at latest until 4.30pm here. If leaving 2pm from Monkey Park, should give us about ~1.5h here (is this too little?)
* Make our way to **Kiyomizu-dera**
* Walk or bus+walk
* Want to be here probably at latest 5pm(?) (seeing as it closes 6pm)
* Make our way to **Hōkan-ji Temple**
* Walk through Sanneizaka and Nineizaka streets
* **Yasaka-jinja Shrine**
* **Hanamikoji Street**
* Maybe something more near here if time (any suggestions?), check in ends at 10pm at our accommodation

Also next morning after waking up, we’re planning on heading to Fushimi Inari super early before catching a train to Osaka.

Thanks for any thoughts!

1 comment
  1. Instead of using public transport, consider using cabs between each location and it may be doable.

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