Great resource for studying Japanese people’s everyday handwriting


I’ve been trying to find a website where I could study Japanese people’s natural handwriting (e.g. in order to compare it to my own) and this is AWESOME! It’s a website/app where people can share their school notes. I thought some of you might also enjoy it 🙂

  1. Definitely good practice to see handwriting, but I wouldn’t call this natural per se. There’s clear incentive to make it look neat and such, rather than what people naturally write.

    Or idk, maybe I’m weird for writing dogshit for personal stuff and writing *marginally* less dogshit for stuff that I know others will be reading. I lost the ability to write neat while keeping up the speed 🙁

  2. I don’t quite know how reliable my own method is, but I tend to handwrite a paragraph or so, then use Google Translate’s camera feature to confirm it is legible.

    I mean, if it can’t interpret what I’ve wrote, i’d probably have hellish scruffy writing and so far I’ve had a few kanji that I’ve had to reconsider, as it is easy to fall into bad habits.

    You might try that too as an aid, if you think it may help?

  3. I wish I had studied more handwritten materials myself. Not the handwriting of learners, but native Japanese. I just started a job at a Japanese company and realized that while I have no problems with typed and printed Japanese, regular, messy kanji is near impossible for me to read.

  4. If you can find handwritten field notes from 現場/建設 type of jobs, you’re in for a treat lol. shits japanese hieroglyphics. can’t blame them tho construction is hard work and paperwork is a hassle

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