Mount Ibuki looms over the old town of Nagahama, Shiga prefecture

Mount Ibuki looms over the old town of Nagahama, Shiga prefecture

  1. Great photo. I lived in Japan for ten years now, and I can never get enough of the unique views of just about anywhere.

  2. [Google Maps]('37.2%22N+136%C2%B016'03.0%22E/@35.3767786,136.266368,17.1z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d35.377001!4d136.267489?authuser=0)

    [Street View](,136.2674894,3a,18.1y,70.84h,92.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEV8Fw5BePVS5oCShIRqzEg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0)

    I hope you were enjoying the **excellent** Nagahama Roman Beer company right next door to this spot. The best night I ever spent in Shiga prefecture was with some work colleagues there on a business trip.

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