Exchanging USD to YEN at the airport

Hi folks. I will be flying soon to KIX airport and I would like to ask if anyone knows if 100 USD bill series 1999, series 2003 and series 2006 are accepted in currency exchange at the airport? I don’t see why they wouldn’t be as they are still in circulation, but if anyone has exchanged those notes recently, please let me know.

  1. You are fine. As long as the bill is legal tender then there is no need to worry. The only bills removed from circulation were ones of large denominations ($1000, $10000, etc). No one even checked the series number for any of my bills.

  2. The one thing I can tell you is that exchanging at the airport is how you get the worst possible rate.

    Hell, we tried once so we’d have some cash right when we landed, and the girl working at the exchange counter said “I can’t in good faith tell you this is a good move if you can just use your debit card in Japan” and basically refused to exchange for us.

    She was nice. I hope her honesty won’t lose her her job.

  3. I’ve been a huge proponent of Schwab checking account. You need to open it with a brokerage account which runs a credit check. But if you don’t mind the credit check and ignore the brokerage account, a Schwab account is going to save you a lot of headaches in the long run.

    With a Schwab account, you can pull cash out of ANY ATM in ANY country for no fee. You only pay a conversion fee which is peanuts compared to anything else. But really, it is the peace of mind of not having to deal with something like you’re dealing with. When I travel, I land and just walk to any ATM to take out local currency. In japan specifically, this is awesome because you can get cash anywhere since there is an ATM in every conbini. I never have to withdraw large sums. I literally draw daily since I don’t have to pay an ATM fee. It’s much safer.

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