Looking for advice from Student Visa holders for study of the language.

Hello, Everyone

I am planning on taking a long trip over to the country in the next few months up to 90-day limit to tread the waters to see how I like it and to relax for a bit.

For some context I am a 29-year-old American male. I have always had interested in visiting the country to see if it was some place, I would want to pursue towards possibly trying to work and live in but work and taking care of my family stopped me from taking a vacation long enough for me to properly enjoy it.

My company is ending remote work with recent USA pandemic status change and moving my office across country, and I do not wish to make the move to continue position so I must resign but I have been given some extended allocation of a few months remote to plan my next course of action and continue my medical benefits so I’m a little rushed at the moment.

To make this a short story of my motives, most of my effort in life was helping my mother gain independence after going through a crippling divorce. When she was stable, I left her to take promotion in my company. Unfortunately, due to the environment we live in here in the USA her life was cut short due to the covid pandemic. This has really pushed me to start thinking about life and where I want to end up.

I currently work as RF Communications Analyst on a fleet on geosynchronous satellites and have been in this position for two years and worked for the same company for nearly 4 years in other related fields.

I will be bluntly honest I have been lucky and feel as if I cheated my way through life with luck as I never obtained a degree in this field and networked my way into these high educational fields of work and pay and proved my aptitude.

I have saved more money than I know what to do with at this point “please don’t take this as a flex I’m just merely stating I can take a few years off work and live comfortably.” and want to start to pursue a degree relative to my work and to start to rebuild my life or I guess start one at this point as most of my work has been remote or me alone in an EarthStation over the pandemic and spending my childhood moving from military base to military base.

I have toyed with learning the language throughout my young life I can’t say I’m at any measurement of usefulness, but I have fun having some rough dialogs with clients I work with over there on the phone when I’m lucky to have someone interested in talking for a bit.

I have researched the roadmaps that it would take getting work over there and determined that unless I bear some fruit with my contacts I have, it’s unlikely I will be granted a visa without a degree even though I work in a niche field of technology.

So, I guess what I’m looking for is peoples experience with living in the country on a student VISA for learning Japanese while pursuing a degree either at a university in Japan or an online school.

1 comment
  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Looking for advice from Student Visa holders for study of the language.**

    Hello, Everyone

    I am planning on taking a long trip over to the country in the next few months up to 90-day limit to tread the waters to see how I like it and to relax for a bit.

    For some context I am a 29-year-old American male. I have always had interested in visiting the country to see if it was some place, I would want to pursue towards possibly trying to work and live in but work and taking care of my family stopped me from taking a vacation long enough for me to properly enjoy it.

    My company is ending remote work with recent USA pandemic status change and moving my office across country, and I do not wish to make the move to continue position so I must resign but I have been given some extended allocation of a few months remote to plan my next course of action and continue my medical benefits so I’m a little rushed at the moment.

    To make this a short story of my motives, most of my effort in life was helping my mother gain independence after going through a crippling divorce. When she was stable, I left her to take promotion in my company. Unfortunately, due to the environment we live in here in the USA her life was cut short due to the covid pandemic. This has really pushed me to start thinking about life and where I want to end up.

    I currently work as RF Communications Analyst on a fleet on geosynchronous satellites and have been in this position for two years and worked for the same company for nearly 4 years in other related fields.

    I will be bluntly honest I have been lucky and feel as if I cheated my way through life with luck as I never obtained a degree in this field and networked my way into these high educational fields of work and pay and proved my aptitude.

    I have saved more money than I know what to do with at this point “please don’t take this as a flex I’m just merely stating I can take a few years off work and live comfortably.” and want to start to pursue a degree relative to my work and to start to rebuild my life or I guess start one at this point as most of my work has been remote or me alone in an EarthStation over the pandemic and spending my childhood moving from military base to military base.

    I have toyed with learning the language throughout my young life I can’t say I’m at any measurement of usefulness, but I have fun having some rough dialogs with clients I work with over there on the phone when I’m lucky to have someone interested in talking for a bit.

    I have researched the roadmaps that it would take getting work over there and determined that unless I bear some fruit with my contacts I have, it’s unlikely I will be granted a visa without a degree even though I work in a niche field of technology.

    So, I guess what I’m looking for is peoples experience with living in the country on a student VISA for learning Japanese while pursuing a degree either at a university in Japan or an online school.

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