Horrible jobs in Japan


I’m new in Japan and I’m staying in Shizuoka as a international student. It’s been a month or so since I got here and I want to make some extra cash cuz why not . And I already speak 日本語 quite well.

Questions :

1) best job I can do for starters .
2) jobs to AVOID.
3) highest paying jobs .
4) can I be an English tutor ? I have an IELTS score of 8.


  1. Students typically work in service and retail industries. Teaching is a popular job too that pays relatively well. Yes you can teach English if you’re a native speaker.

  2. If you join an extras agency day you are a working actor and don’t mention any other careers

  3. There’s no N3 level of speaking. JLPT only assesses reading and listening.

  4. I don’t have firsthand experience but my husband says to avoid conbini work like the plague unless you’re desperate for cash. He worked at a Lawson for 2 months during his time at university, and told me that he and the foreign staff were treated like shit by upper management and customers. He said the foreign staff were treated worse. He later started working at a Tully’s and had a better experience lol.

    Soooo I guess avoid conbini work unless you need ¥ but your experience may vary. My husband probably was just super unlucky with the location.

    As for #4, if you’re doing freelance English tutoring, shouldn’t be a problem. There are tons of non-native speakers doing English tutoring work (freelance). As long as you stay within the hours in your visa terms and conditions. Working for a company might give you some hurdles.

  5. As some people have pointed out, you will be mostly doing arubaito (part time), in my experience as a student in Japan, Fast food like jobs (MacDonald etc) are kinda stressful but you can more or less join then anytime (low pay), factory jobs are the best pay for students (thinking about the 28 hours tou have per week), BUT, they are a bit more demanding in terms of health and physically speaking (also a tad boring). The best balance would be working in a shop/restaurant so your not too stressed or too tired. Hope it helps!

  6. Gender is also important here. Some jobs ok for guys may have issues if you are a girl.

  7. The best paying student jobs are related to teaching. Even some of my Japanese students get 1,500-1,700 an hour working at cram schools.

    If an izakaya or restaurant would hire you, it might be better for your Japanese. At cram schools and restaurants you’d be able to work evenings. A restaurant might give you 1,000+ an hour.

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