Does anyone have any experience obtaining vitamin b-12 injections in Tokyo?

I’ll be in Japan from September for 9 months and I need to get vitamin b-12 for self injection. Does anyone know anything about this?

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    **Does anyone have any experience obtaining vitamin b-12 injections in Tokyo?**

    I’ll be in Japan from September for 9 months and I need to get vitamin b-12 for self injection. Does anyone know anything about this?

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  2. You can’t buy it over the counter, but if you look for the place you’ll be located and ビタミンB12 注射 you’ll probably find a clinic that’ll inject you.

  3. >for self injection

    You won’t get it for self-injection. Syringes are *highly* regulated in Japan. Unless there’s a pressing medical need (like a diabetic who needs insulin) you’re not going to get syringes.

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