Police presence in Hiroshima


We went to Hiroshima two days ago and were surprised by how many policemen were present in the street. Almost literaly one at every corner. We also saw a group on a boat near the atomic dome seemingly just chilling on the river.

Is there is a particular reason for this presence? Did something happen in the city?

  1. The G7 summit. Pretty much the world leaders from 7 of the most important countries in the world are there, including Biden.

  2. Miyajima was also full of policemen a couple of days ago, all very friendly though and a group of them even cheered for me when I went for my morning run

  3. Yes, there was the G7 summit. I recommend checking the news when you travel.

  4. I noticed the very same. I was impressed by that. Most likely due to the G7 summit.

  5. Keep in mind about the G7 that not only is this a global event for world leaders, but the previous prime minister of Japan was assassinated fairly recently and the current PM had an attempt on him. High tension time.

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