Japan bans sales of neodymium magnet toys, water beads; cites ingestion hazard as reason

Japan bans sales of neodymium magnet toys, water beads; cites ingestion hazard as reason


  1. > The (consumer product safety law) revision, which will be enforced on June 19, regulates the sale of magnet sets that combine multiple magnets with strong magnetic force and balls that expand greatly by absorbing water.

    Also see: METI press release ([Japanese](https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2023/05/20230516002/20230516002.html)) ([Google Translate](https://www-meti-go-jp.translate.goog/press/2023/05/20230516002/20230516002.html?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en))

  2. METI has to clarify the ban is for specific toys after concerns that neodymium magnets for other uses such as DIY / model building might also be banned.

    > METI defines a “magnet set” as “a product used as a toy or entertainment by attaching a magnet to a magnet,” and cited “magnet balls” as an example.
    > ……
    > It reiterated, “Magnets by themselves are not subject to regulation.”
    > In response to the widespread misunderstanding, they plan to provide additional explanations on their website later.


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